
“that, and we’re doubling taxes on women’s...products...because they’re icky.”

‘How is this happening? Because at the core, America is a bankrupt, corrupt as fuck empire and you are seeing the proof in the flesh.”

Because they constantly confuse “condescension” with “disagreement”.

Middle finger when the biker pulled up on him the first time. Cut him off because driving HUA and then “fuck you”.

I can say I’m maybe one of the few. Met a few days before my 17th birthday and still married today. Factors being hard work and a bit of luck, along with a whole dose of stubbornness on both sides.

Very, very, very. Seems he’s picking up some tricks from the PEOTUS.

Can I just say that without adding anything useful whatsoever, thank you for making me go look up “What is an electoral mandate?” I have now furthered my education a teensy bit.

The main problem I see with the average low-information voter is they think if it’s on the Internet, it must be true. So arming themselves with information against fake news sites (a) doesn’t occur to them and (b) is probably far too much work in the first place.

As a fellow spine surgery sufferer (survivor?) I wish you the best of luck and healing with your newest challenge.

I agree, MisterDisco voted for Clinton so there’s no point in punishing him for this asshole.

christ, we pay nearly $600 a month for insurance and that’s with a company plan. $1200 would cover juuust about two months of insurance for us.

I had a neighbor like this, we called her Crazy Neighbor Janine, because she was one of those people that was always cocked, locked, and ready to go at the slightest hint of confrontation. The two confrontations that I had with her did not end up well (the last one ended up with me giving her the finger over my

This woman ranted for over eleven minutes over her perceived injustices.

Oh, I have a blinding headache and it’s killing me to laugh, but thank you for the chucklesnort all the same.

And here I was thinking I was weird because I wanted the rods and screws from my first fusion back when my surgeon took them out and replaced them.

tl;dr I’m gonna fuck over veterans who desperately need help with PTSD because principles or some lofty shit like that.

Something I’ve been teaching my little feminist war clan of three daughters. They’re probably sick of hearing me say “Quick, decisive, aggressive action” and being shown how to punch, to throw, to kick, to stomp, to gouge, to pinch.


I’m interested in buying one of those for MisterDisco. They’re kind of expensive, but he’s the type who likes sheet + blanket + down blanket + quilt, even in summer, even in the house we lived in that had no AC and our bedroom was on the second floor (in north Idaho, but it does crack 100 there in summertime).

Um, the shit he’s doing before he’s even in office doesn’t exactly give me confidence about what he’s going to do when he actually has some power.