
Isn’t that, like, what everyone does in a porn theater? I’ve never been in one, I’ve always been curious. I have a friend who was far more adventurous who went to one with her boyfriend and clarified that they did, indeed, do that in public there. She was a monumental liar and a meth addict, though, so YMMV.

I have some mommy friends. However, I was lamenting to one of my actual friends (as opposed to peeps who take my cell number and then ignore my texts despite me saying who I am), it’s like these woman can smell that I’m not like them. She thinks it’s because of where we live (snooty area). I think it’s because they

Sadly, I wouldn’t be too sure about that. All the ardent Trump supporters I know (so!god!damn!many!of!them!) absolutely intend to vote, if only to make sure “that bitch” doesn’t win.

Mine’s an ambivert too. I can shine at the parties and such, but then I feel like someone sucked out all my blood and energy. With the advent of a neurological disorder that makes it sound like I’m being garroted when I talk (spasmodic dysphonia, such fun), I’ve gotten even more introverted.

I second that with the wrist guards I wore snowboarding. They got tossed in the washer like everything else. Who would’ve thought such a funk could build up in your wrists?

Do you go to events and you’re the life of the party and everyone says, “Oh my god, I thought you were going to come here and sit in the corner but you kept them rolling and everyone looooves you?” and you have to tell them that you’re going to spend three days ignoring your family with your earbuds jammed in your


Urhg, I have your feels. Middle Daughter who is the sunniest, cheeriest child on earth, has the flu and is currently crying and miserable on the couch. She was happy looking at the pics for a few minutes because she likes pretty things (although the disco ball pic took her aback momentarily). For all its broken and

I would be terrified to have that fridge. Then people who visit would know what a true fridge slob I am.

If nothing else, it’s a start.

You said it better than me. All the stars.

He seems like such a sweet man who truly wanted to help people. I think he’s earned our extension of grace to him by not talking shit about him.

Starred for incredibly horrible accuracy

Um, fuck you, Brock.

“It hardly ever does, but at least Turner’s future is still promising.”

Is it just me or do Littlefinger’s outfits, all natty long coats and such, make anyone else’s heart go pitterpat?

The High Sparrow. Oh the smirk on that man. Jonathan Pryce does it SO well.

*high fives*

Man I can’t figure out where my feminine identity lies. Is it my awesome blowjob skills? My ability to whip up a mean lasagna? The fact that I’ve produced four children? My big tits? My smokey eye abilities?

I totes get my identity by bleeding for six or seven days, not counting the *surprise* day that happens a few days after you think you’ve stopped but OHAI HERE’S SOME BLOOD TO RUIN YOUR FAVORITE PAIR OF UNDIES.