I didn’t have an issue with taking it continuously. I take Microgestin FE if that helps, but BC is so damned personal in terms of everything from chemical makeup to weight to your own hormone makeup.
I didn’t have an issue with taking it continuously. I take Microgestin FE if that helps, but BC is so damned personal in terms of everything from chemical makeup to weight to your own hormone makeup.
When they were emoting all over each other, I kept muttering this in the background. Mister Disco was like WAT NOW SHE’S NOT MAD and I explained that she was mad at him like you’d be pissed at a boyfriend or a dad or a brother but when you find they have a terminal illness that’s disfiguring and drives you mad, you…
I posted this pic on Facebook and got a slew of TOO SOONS from all my peeps.
At least they’re addressing the underlying issue that she belongs to no man, and I have the feeling Jekyll and Frankenstein are going to get a big surprise when they attempt to “get her under control” and “make her behave”.
MisterDisco turned to me when Jekyll and Frankenstein were discussing how to “calm her” (i.e., drug Lily into submission so Frankenstein could “have her back”) and said sarcastically, “Jeez, it’s almost as if what she wants is completely irrelevant.”
Still starred because I got to use it in a conversation.
Oh now, there’s worse.
this is the weirdest thing to me - I have discoid meniscus (super fat meniscus shaped like a dinner plate). I put some tears in the left one and had it reshaped and the likelihood of the right one being similarly damaged/mutated is high.
Where is his hand? Why is there a bottle of Tabasco sauce in that picture? Why is there a funeral arrangement of flowers behind them?
I mean, who cares if the dancers are only 16, amirite?
I can see him saying, “What? Too soon? God, you gals need to stop being so sensitive and realize it was just a joke!” <as said by dudes who make catty offensive remarks and get called on them everywhere...I’M PULLING THE JOKE CARD, KAAAY?”>
I wish I could give you all the stars for this. And get out of the fucking greys, where I’ve been languishing forever.
Oh, he’s definitely stellar material. I’m sure that he’s certain he deserves at least an 8 on the hotness scale.
It’ll be the best greeting! A beautiful greeting!
It’s like there’s an inverse attractiveness equation at play.
Gosh, it almost feels like...they’re changing the narrative to suit their purposes. They wouldn’t do that, would they? D:
Notice how it’s our responsibility to keep our silly selves from being attacked or raped outside the bathroom, but these fucking idiots are incredibly concerned about us within the confines of the bathroom and the bathroom only. /huge eyeroll
Starred for use of khal brogos. *(applauds wildly)*
I’m from Southern California. We have insane traffic but people here are SOOPER pissed about it. It’s baffling! But be easy on me, I am still learning the ways of your people.