This falls under the auspices of “We can’t take you seriously when you’re hysterical.”
This falls under the auspices of “We can’t take you seriously when you’re hysterical.”
No one really gives a shit if men care about equality. They’ve demonstrated again and again that they don’t anyway.
Caught ya!
No. MisterDisco can handle approximately 60 seconds of cuddling from me before breaking into a sweat. Because this bitch is just a low-banked furnace, all night long.
*me, squeeing that you’re in engineering. My dad is a rocket scientist and I wish like hell I hadn’t given him the finger about engineering. So let me totally bask in your reflected glory and give you a high five for going into the field I should have gone into.*
*snorts, dies laughing*
Wow, I didn’t realize the infection spread that fast!
Oh god, this reminds me of when I was squee-ing over hedgehogs and someone had to TOTALLY BUST MY BUBBLE with the info that when they get upset or hear strange sounds, they apparently will lather themselves all over with spit and pant heavily.
OMFG so well said
then into the 80s with Drakkar Noir!
But...but...she’s wearing a shitload of makeup in that ad...
/rant on
So she was loud and pushy. guess that’s totally ok to let her die then. /shrug/
So glad to hear that you’re well again!
This so makes me look forward to my impending surgery on January 13th. I used to be the meek, quiet, compliant, suck it up patient. Fuck that. I’m going in for my second spinal surgery and all those things don’t cut it when you’re in serious fucking pain. Hope the nurses don’t do the “hysterical laydee” shtick with me.
He’s a mothafukkin AMURIKAN
Maybe we’ll have a season where she appeals to someone without that fucking chin quiver. That CHIN QUIVER. CHIN. QUIVER.