yeah. *pours out a drink in memory of...Rosebud*
yeah. *pours out a drink in memory of...Rosebud*
I discovered the wonder that is Nanaimo Bar in a Coeur d’Alene Fred Meyer and my life has never been the same.
*also whispering* And then tell us old folks that their stuff is “better because ________”. I don’t buy it.
It’s not like it was insanely popular, or anything. Millihelen too. AND Shrayber.
I would totally star you twice if I could, once for the original comment and once for invoking Pinkham’s Law. *cough / he’s on now / cough*
I feel your pain. I was ungrayed on a few of the sites that counted (Kitchenette and Millihelen, FWIW) and I’m going to languish in forever uncolor around here.
Never mind the Gen-Xers gamely hanging on in the middle, now...
Sheet masks saved my life. I buy Korean and Japanese ones that are probably all wrong for my face because I can’t read the instructions but that’s ok, they make me feel pretty. See also: Dr. Jart if you are not adventuresomely like me.
Your opinion: also irrelevant.
*applauds wildly*
That last one? With the expired plates? I did just about the same damn thing except I did it for almost an entire year. And got away with it. *frantically knocks wood*
Honest to god, I thought I was a good person. I’ve handled three surgeries for MisterDisco in 27 years. He had a lower back fusion this year and I know now that (a) I’m a fucking asshole spouse and (b) if he ever gets chronically ill, we are getting 24/7 help because I’m a fucking asshole spouse.
I remember one time when she was coming out of anesthesia (maybe to get her port removed or something?) and he was saying hi to her. MisterDisco snarled, “He can’t even put his fucking glasses down for a second, dude can’t wait to get out of there. What an asshole.”
“May your Christmas be filled with memories of a happier time, when South Carolina’s leaders possessed morals, convictions, and the principles to stand for what is right.”
Considering it’s her body, no, there’s no real discussion about it.
I went to a Capitals pregame a while back and they had - omg are you ready for this, my Kitchenette is coming out - THEY HAD POUTINE, GUISE. POUTINE. PULLED PORK MOTHAFUKKIN POUTINE.
Holy shitballs. I’m so sorry. {{{{{virtual Internet hugs}}}}}
“God, Ivanka, your assault was so twenty years ago. Get OVER it already!”
Um, Harper, fuck you and your God-fearing Christians.