
Because that’s what the readers want, and we can’t do that!

The worst part is despite wanting to make GM even more fluffy and appealing to the empty headed, deep pocketed “modern woman”, they’re actually axing Millihelen as well, which is one place I could fangirl the fuck out on makeup and not feel like a total poser.


And red. All things red.

Well, as long as he doesn’t eat all the fucking breadsticks (or at least SAVES THE BREAD), I guess we’ll be ok.

I don’t know. I’m still so angry about this latest fucking purge (Pinkham?? Shrayber??) that I don’t feel qualified to make any decisions right now. I may just flounce off forever. /tosses hair


I am giving you a star for that picture alone.

I may consider also, because for some reason, i thought Garnet Hill backpacks would be a good thing to buy for 12, 10, and 6 year old. /buries head in hands/ At least in my defense, they were on sale.

Hell I still wear mine, and I’m 44. Because they’re pull on boots, I’m lazy, and it can get damned cold standing waiting for the kids’ bus in January. Style? Zero fucks given.

Or, if you have to live in the Inland Northwest (think: 80 miles from Canadian border) and snow gets up and over that cute little lower calf height, Kamik and Baffin make some fine, fine knee-high snow boots.

I love everything Liz Taylor does. Except trusting The Countess would “understand” the situation.... That was a terrible mistake.

Huge, Gigantic, and FEED A VILLAGE


I was looking for this article so I could tell YOU specifically that I got it yesterday and I ()&*&^*&Y(ING love it with all the expletives in the world. Which is awful because it is somewhat expensive but it’s super wearable, more so than Purple Tang (because let’s face, deep violet is kinda a niche color).

I know, right? Because it looks juuuust expensive enough to be totally awesome and justifiable at the same time.

Those Crane & Co notecards. Not like I have a stash of them that are “too good” for things like mundane correspondence so I’m hoarding them like Tab and Fanta or whatever, but I’m currently Wishlisting the shit out of them on Amazon.

YES! And not that expensive, honestly. And keeps hair from ratting and knotting and also is easy on the face and I’ll just shut up now because I am NOT a fancy bitch, Imma BASIC BITCH with yoga pants and Uggs and who am I fooling *sips Veuve Cliquot from a coffee mug* AWAY WITH YOU

Can I just say, totally unrelated, how much I love Millihelen because I get to geek out on makeup but not feel like an overenthusiastic teenybopper gushing over her first mascara because goshdarnit, I’m an adult?