Katriona's Burner

Her name is Ellen. And she did just fine. Just because that religious bigot chose to talk about gayness as if it is all about sex doesn’t mean Ellen needed to lower herself to that level. That would just feed into the bigot’s narrative.

I wholeheartedly agree! Constantly being outraged is part of how Milo Y. grew to power and will continue to get more popular. These people thrive on outrage.

There was a story on this site (I think) last week about an African American guy who, by way of nothing more than constructive dialogue, got dozens (hundreds?) of card-carrying / rally-attending Klan members to drop out and reevaluate their lives. I’m not faulting you (or Bobby) for being angry; that’s just being

It may have been cathartic as hell, sure. But, if it turns off the very people she’s hoping to sway to becoming more accepting, then where’s the victory? Ellen has been in the business for a long time and she knows how to shape her message for the masses, clearly. She’s killing them with kindness and we need that just

Oh man, could not agree more with this.


The main thing that the purity-testers always forget to consider in these situations is: Whose voice is going to be the most likely listened-to on this issue: a dedicated hardcore activist whose only audience is an echo-chamber, or a family-friendly celebrity? And: why ask the family-friendly celebrity to pretend to

I don’t disagree with you.

She did make a point. In a way that her audience will react to positively. Do you really think conservative Middle America would take well to Ellen going all woke SJW activist on them? Please. If anyone will make conservative, small-minded Middle America less homophobic, it’s a nice white non-threatening lesbian like

“Father Sexy” is an incredible nickname, I spit out a drink of water reading that. Also a solid idea for a burner account name.

Thanks, that part irritated me too! Like, OK, Mr. Tone Police, you didn’t like the way Ellen handled it— so what SHOULD she have done?

Really— what more *did* Ellen need to do here, in order for her to earn her SJW Merit Badge or whatever it is Bobby wants? Kicking someone off your show, not making a big deal out of it, but putting your foot down that firmly = seems like a crystal-clear message to me. Whoever Burrell is, she’ll forever be known in

That’s exactly what drives me bonkers about the “Christians” in these stories. It’s easy to speak out against the sins committed by others and gloss over the elements of one’s own chosen religion that may force someone to look inside themselves and acknowledge their own ugliness.

Exactly. I think, given the context of Ellen’s body of work, this speaks VOLUMES. A long-time Ellen viewer would sit and be thinking “holy crap how awful were the things this person said?!”

Somebody get Shirley Caesar too.

I agree. It’s also not in Ellen’s nature to really burn or drag anyone, even if they really deserve it. Also, I think the less time she devoted to Burrell, the better. If they focused too much time on her, that’s giving her unneeded publicity. This is why she didn’t want her on the show. She didn’t want her and her

Yeah, this was probably as deep as she should go. I mean, it’s not like she should ignore what foul things the guest said, have her on anyway and playfully muss her hair (Looking at you, Fallon!)

Burrell just had her radio show dropped, too. Hopefully, this tanks her career and she only appears in strip mall houses of “worship”.

Yeah, she’s not the type to go for the jugular.

In the grand scheme of things, Ellen’s polite dis-inviting of Kim Burrell will be a denouement that Burrell won’t be allowed to forget any time soon.

I am prone to give Ellen a pass here.