Katriona's Burner

And her “Hillary the Hawk” schtick is just an example of a broader thesis she uses a lot, summarized (I think at Lawyers, Guns and Money?) as “Democratic women are men and Democratic men are women.” She insisted that Al Gore was a mealy-mouthed wimp, Johns Kerry and Edwards comically effeminate and Obama an

December’s cover is Michelle, her third. So I do think it’s a bit of a middle finger to the upcoming administration.

I read this yesterday in the Times, and my biggest takeaway from it was what a fucking tool Maureen Dowd is. I mean, not my first time thinking that, but still. Every single time ALT said something true and real about how bad Trumpism is, she tried to get him to equivocate. She is terrible.

‘I mean, it’s good she cares about napkins, crystal, dinner plates with gilded edges to the point of over the top, and abundant flower arrangements.

I was looking for this sentiment in the thread. I’m so angry with her. She perpetuated the “Donald the Dove, Hillary the Hawk” meme (even wrote a column about it) despite the fact that it’s a lot more nuanced than that. Her Thanksgiving with her conservative family article was all about “smug liberals get off your

It’s like their parents never taught them that the language of true white people hate is soul crushing icy politeness.

Hundreds of millions of liberals trying to be reasonable people, but this jerk has to give the neo-nazis ammunition.

What a dumb thing to say. I don’t have to be quiet in a movie theater until everyone in the theater has earned my respect? No. Respect does not need to earned prior to acting civilized.

If you run into Ivanka Trump on an airplane and you are hell-bent at talking to her, there are ways to handle that interaction that are much more productive than screaming at her about not flying on a private plane.

Right. The actual answer is that probably plans fell through at the last moment and she needed to travel as quickly as possible and because it’s the holiday, first/business class was already booked up, so they got five tickets for coach.

It would feel just as good to murmur, audibly, “Shame...shame...shame...” while passing her seat.

Yeah Melania also married a total piece of shit asshole. I don’t care how desperate you are it says a lot about your character to put up with a racist, misogynistic geezer for a bunch of money. Seems to me she can’t have much of a soul at this point.

Trump especially loses his shit when he perceives classic NY institutions STILL rejecting him despite how rich, successful, powerful he becomes (see obsession with Vanity Fair, SNL, NY Times, etc.). It’s like returning to a class reunion and the cool kids who picked on you in high school still treat you like a schmuck

When Trump hadn’t yet picked an extreme right wing Cabinet, it was a nice thing to hope his presidency was not a failure.

I’m beginning to feel sorry for Melania, actually. Let’s give her a chance.

Normalizing Trump is not OK. Shrugging your shoulders and thinking life will go back to normal and it doesn’t impact you much so why not just accept it is not OK. Personally I’m thrilled at every designer who says, no, not me, and every artist who says, nope, not going to perform at the inauguration. Because what

“Melania will be one of the great stars in the administration.”

My feeling is that she wants none-of-this First Lady crap and was in-different to his his campaign, “You running for Prezey-dent? Whatever makes you hap-peee.” She just wants to raise Baron, go to parties in Manhattan and shop for expensive shit on his credit card.

Exactly. Wasn’t she recently threatening to sue an autistic kid YouTuber because he implied her son has autism...she is not a nice person. Fuck her flower arrangements and assnapkins.

Talley called himself Iconic, and I love him for it. #ConfidenceBoo