Katrina Calavera

(Oh derp, didn't see that someone else already posted this. But yeah, I definitely see Kate.)

It cracks me up because it reminds me of listening to my boyfriend play games online with our friends. There's a British fellow in the group who has a really cool-sounding voice, but a tendency to shriek "GUISE GUISE COME HELP ME GUISE AAAAA" when under pressure. I also think cyber valley girl: "Liek omg guise, they

Read as far as "Woody" and thought, "I'd wait for phone calls from Woody Harrelson too!" ^^;

I just had an adorable mental image of my boyfriend quietly knitting beside me while I play video games. Awww, bless. :3

Oh boo, I was hoping for a picture of your fun origami crafts! I for one am considering making beautiful paper beads out of the faces of the Kardashians. :D

Wow, my whole Pinterest feed is flashing before my eyes!

I suggest rinsing with cooler water, then. It definitely helps matters.

Do you have typically sensitive skin? When you shave your legs, is the bounce-back time quite short? Also, did you rinse with warm or cold water?

How long did you wait between shaving and sex?

I assume a cotton ball eater would probably try to swallow them whole rather than chew.

This is the best thread! On our first Christmas spent together, my mom got my boyfriend SO incredibly drunk on tequila. It made the holiday really magical, even if some of our friends didn't speak to us for a month afterward. :D And here we are, four years later!

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, no? I remember reading about Chief Illiniwek.

It looks like an 8th grade doodle.

Yeah, I thought it was that too!

Oh, yes! How excellent!

I'm quite pale but look pretty awesome in a dark purple lipstick! I learned this in ninth grade when experimenting with a purple liquid eyeliner. :D

Thanks! I was extremely broke and hungry so I made the noodles from a ramen packet, mixed my own sauce for it (balsamic vinaigrette, if I remember correctly), and picked violets for free from my friend's yard. It was great!

Here's one that I took, I think it's pretty good even though it's of a weird dish.

Sort of related: When I was a child and people (including my parents) attempted to do that to me, I brought different clothes in a bag and changed in bathrooms or refused to participate in whatever action required the distasteful clothing. When my parents tried to stop me from doing this by refusing to launder my

If the world were a just place, it'd be James Deen.