Katrina Calavera


I love hedgehogs but this makes me want to bleach my eyes.

I want to burn this man at the stake and I cannot believe that any sane adult would let this individual near their children.

YES. I have been waiting for this moment for all of my life, it seems.

Fuck puppies chewing, man. My parents' awful monster ate my shoe less than an hour ago! I can't even enjoy cute animal videos because I'm so pissed.

Shit, who knew that Lululemon was pronounced Lu-lemn?

Not to sound racist, but is there pineapple on that pizza?

Now playing

Muffin Penis! It sounds like a bizarre term of endearment and it made me think of this:

I'm an English tutor, and I'm here to say/ Don't fake it with your MLA/ Don't cheat, don't lie, and please don't steal/ 'Cause Google search will always squeal. *drops mic*

~Hold me closer, tiny vulvas!~

Mr. Beck, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God

That's sort of disappointing if that's it... I was hoping for a historical figure or something.

Oh, thank you.

Right? I have no idea whatsoever what her dress represents about Botswana.

Guys, guys, why is Miss Belgium the devil?

Gonna have to disagree. I think Miss Botswana takes this one.

PLEASE let this come down to a rap battle!

*shrug* Haven't seen his other work, so I can't comment.

Oh, don't say you're too dumb to get it— I'm just making a guess. :)