Katrina Calavera

Maybe that is part of the point— the original Disney characters never look their ages either. Many of the older women depicted in these "princessified" forms appear significantly younger than they are in the comparison photographs. Malala is 16 in real life, but so too was Princess Aurora (Sleeping Beauty), allegedly,

Well, I'm flattered, but nope. I'm just a fangirl.

Um, hi! *raises hand*

I ship it!

We made a No-face pumpkin this year! (Also a Totoro.)

Jesus, I thought he was in his 40s. Okay, I hate everyone, it's official.

"...An Easter egg hunt on the weekend that's more fun for kids."

I want to arrange a drunken Halloween-themed Easter egg hunt for the weekend now. We can use tiny pumpkins and paint them prettily, then get smashed and hide them from ourselves. Then we can all pass out all over the place and rise the next day as

Well, there are also the ways to make one's eyes seem larger, such as using light shadow in the corners of the eyes or applying white eyeliner to the bottom lid of the eye before using a darker line. I can buy the notion that makeup can dramatically alter one's appearance, but I ultimately agree with you— makeup =/=

While I agree with you on most points, you actually can restructure the appearance of your face with makeup. It's called contouring.

Yeah, history major here. :)

Oh my gosh, I'm so proud of myself for getting that one on the first try. Did I spell Grey right? I edited it from Gray. Also, you have a very lovely name.

You may address me as Sage Spice.

Thanks for including Stephanie Says. I'm going to go listen to Transformer on repeat and cry a lot now. :/

... Virginia Grey?

And just consider the unsung glories of the erotic semaphore flag messages!

I love Kanye. I really hope someone uploads a fuller video or makes a transcription of his entire rant.

Yes, yes, in the wise words of Mister Jalopy, "Everything you love, everything meaningful with depth and history, all passionate authentic experiences will be appropriated, mishandled, watered down, cheapened, repackaged, marketed and sold to the people you hate." So what else is new?

I know a lot of very happy couples who met online first! :D

When you have them from when they're little, they get more used to you handling them and won't just defensively curl up as frequently.

I had pet hedgehogs as a child and they're amazing. I think I might get my partner one for Christmas.