Katrina Calavera

I especially hate the notion of using sex as leverage to get the chores done and the bills paid because it implies that every other time you're *not* having sex, you must be pissed at your partner for not doing their fair share (when you could just, you know, be busy or not in the mood presently). It also creates an

It isn't. Nor should it be used as such. That's my point. To do so is to infantilize your partner— "Good job going potty all by yourself! Here's a lollipop."

Hopefully that is how it was actually meant. It certainly doesn't read like that.

Nope, that makes you an awesome woman. I'm eating a steak right this second. :D

Gonna have to say a big NOPE to the phrase "Want more sex? Write some checks," because paying bills and doing chores are things that need to happen and I don't want to have to negotiate with my body just to get basic shit accomplished. I'm not just gonna reward someone with a blowjob because they washed a dish.

We're probably going to be mages from the Final Fantasy series— like this. They're a pair because white mage uses curative/defensive magic and black mage uses offensive magic. :D

I disagree, but that's okay and I respect your position on this.

Jez, and the Jezzie commenters, have mentioned cool, positive stuff about Bronies before. This resume, for example, was covered as an eccentric but interesting product of FiM fandom. The coverage hasn't been extensive, and some of it has been negative, it's true. I don't always agree with Jez's coverage of "nerdy"

Replace the word "beer" with "bear" and this is funnier.

That's cool, I don't disagree with you. :D

You don't have to put down other fandoms to bolster your own, and just because you're outside of a fandom and don't follow its popularity online doesn't mean it doesn't exist. I am really happy that you find a sense of community and purpose in being a Brony, that's really awesome. However, just because you and your

Bingo. Hasbro wants to sell more toys! Shocking, right?

Now playing

I do not think that is what the video is doing, though. I don't believe it's saying "Eeeeew, boys are playing with girl toys." I think it's saying, "Hey, some members of the Brony community are a little bit bizarre*— let's joke about this." Obviously this video is meant to be a comedic reduction of a "typical Brony"—

I'm perplexed by all of these defensive comments. I hang out with tons of Bronies and they acknowledge the inherently ridiculous aspects of their own fandom and have senses of humor about the same. Guess what? Every large group of fans has its weirder elements. Joking about those things can be fun! :D

Yes, I too wish to make fun of every fandom equally. But we must take these things one comedic video at a time— otherwise, we're going to have one neverending montage of ridiculousness, and frankly, we already have Tumblr for that.

If they ever did make a Carol Danvers movie, I hope that Monica Rambeau would appear as her mentor. <3

That's the weird thing— it doesn't actually seem to correlate to dryness. It can be a veritable lake down there and it still happens. I think that general fragility is just an aspect of my skin, as it is incredibly sensitive and thin-ish everywhere on my body. I'm much more prone to get scratches and cuts than other

Unfortunately, my default position is that of the girl in Insomniac, and my partner would rather that we constantly slept in the Octopus. Pillow of Heaven is usually our compromise!