My partner and I have been thinking about looking into Big Brothers/Big Sisters. We don't intend to ever have kids, but we know that there are a lot of children out there who could use positive adult influences in their lives.
My partner and I have been thinking about looking into Big Brothers/Big Sisters. We don't intend to ever have kids, but we know that there are a lot of children out there who could use positive adult influences in their lives.
Are you responsible for all of the output of the media sites you enjoy? Do you agree with all opinions espoused by the same? I can be irritated by Jezebel and enjoy Jezebel at the same time.
Have you guys ever seen My Life is Bro?
Hairdyes and makeup are really really fun!
Oh man. So I just checked out Snoop's twitter idly, and followed a link to the SnooperMarket thing he's got going on with, and in his "favorite items", there it was. The "Picnic Time Pittsburgh Steelers Party Cube." Five fraught seconds of googling later, so that I may positively ascertain that Snoop is…
That is such a happy commercial. I want to be adopted into this family.
Possibly to make more "age appropriate" styles for guests?
I've tried Softcups and just can't figure out how to put them in, ridiculously enough. I feel befuddled about it. I'd like to try again, though.
It goes off of census data, not names, as far as I understand it.
Sometimes I kinda cut myself on the cardboard ones. The plastic ones are smoother. However, the environment. :( It's a lose-lose, basically. Like many things about having one's period.
Cumsocket and fucksock are new to me.
But if he grew up in the Tully household, he should have the same accent as the Tullys, surely?
"And we’re not talking a bit of fluff here — she revealed underarm beards that would have made Osama bin Laden proud."
That is actually quite an endearing picture.
Oh good, I wasn't the only one who watched this and thought of Wondershowzen. Gosh, I really miss that show.