Katrina Calavera

They kind of give me the impression that they're brother and sister, in a weird way. *shrugs*

You know what I suddenly started craving as I read this? A Snickers ice cream bar and a steak.

Huh. Well, that helps me put things in perspective, certainly.

"Oooh, honey. I wish my daughter dressed like you!" is one of the creepiest pickup lines I have ever received.

Yes. You're clearly workin' it.

Oh wow. You just made me cringe so hard and renew my vow to never have a child!

I feel the same way and it's fucked up. I actually do feel quite patriotic, in an Inga Muscio sort of way. It especially makes me sad when people tell me that I must hate America because I am pacifistic/feminist/atheist/anti-racist/pro-education/et cetera.

I actually think Starfruit is kind of a cool idea for a celebrity baby name.

Oh my goodness, I absolutely hated the weather in Florida and I'm sorry you have to deal with it. I only have been once for a few weeks, but I was constantly saying stuff like, "Why in god's name does it have to be a million degrees and baking-hot, then spontaneously raining like we're in some kind of giant outdoor

It won't stop raining here in Maryland either. :/

I hope that Sailor Brinkley Cook grows up to add Moon to her last names.

I kinda like it. Very Grumpy Cat.

Thanks for the advice!

That sounds marvelous! Did you do it yet? Was it amazing??

Sooo... people who blog, I need your wisdom. Is Wordpress actually kind of crappy compared to Blogspot or Blogger? Would it be preferable for me to just use Tumblr or something? I've just gotten started with my tiny Wordpress blog* and I feel a little bit irritated now that I've realized you can't use third-party ads

That would be *amazing*. But no, that's not a joke. This guy has science on his side, apparently. I want to try it!

Now playing

"Make batches of your own and store in freezer bags." Also, "ice goes great with drinks." Pippa should have called this guy:

Dear Jesus-Allah-Buddha-Lord of Light, Please never let me get knocked up. Please. NEVER. I barely know what to do with myself and can't stop running around biting people. How the fuck would I cope with a small, unpredictable spawn? I take my birth control every day and pray regularly before your altars. I love you.

George Stark is the white-trash cousin.

I read the first two words of this article, "Ladies love," and automatically responded "Cool James".