
Seinfeld ain't the only one.

Yeah, I recall hearing something like that while he was in WCW.

Hearing that "Superfly" Jimmy Snuka died makes me sad as I fondly remember his finishing move off the top rope.

On the playground where he spent most of his days?

Only one? Cmon.

You're right: this sh-t boggles the mind.

Hmmm… do you have a link? Is this a podcast?

Is this sarcasm? (I'm hoping it is.)

More than the intestines/trees bit?

It was enhanced by the stellar art as well. (Leandro Fernandez, I think.)

Yes, please start one. That quote/exchange brought back fond memories. Plus, given the times we're in, some extra (nostalgic) levity is always appreciated.

RIP Cornell "Cottonmouth" Stokes. One of Marvel's better villains thus far.

I liked that interaction as well as we get to see Mariah a bit more unhinged. However, I did a double-take when she rhetorically asked, "Does the n—-a have gills?" In the series' first episode, there's a scene in the night club where she clearly states that she "hates that word."

To the reviewer, thanks for mentioning the book "Medical Apartheid". (Now on my list to read in 2017.)

Thanks for the link. A few of them gave me a good chuckle.

Glad to see Moonlight made this list. It's been said tons of times before, but it's a masterpiece.

Do you have a link for the video? I'd love to see it.

Since Hollywood green-lit this sequel, am i alone in thinking "Jingle All The Way 2" will be here next Christmas?

Christ, that's a bit depressing.

While I loved his Preacher run, I'll most fondly remember Steve's stellar work in the (possibly) final run of Punisher Max with Jason Aaron. As a long time reader of that entire MAX run, seeing Frank Castle as old, weakened, and vulnerable as he was in those issues will forever remain etched in my lasting comic book