
Wait… AV Club is dropping Disqus? I haven't been on the web as much lately.

The Bureau of Land Management? What about them?

Michael Dorn is seriously underappreciated. I've been hitting the old Bruce Timm series during my summer vacation.

Because this is Star Trek, the always fun Poochie reference of "___________ died on his way to his home planet" kinda fits here.

That comment implies that Bronze Tiger isn't coming back. Is that true?

Well, Scooby-Doo can doo doo and Jimmy Carter is smarter.

Thank you for mentioning this! That guy's voice came in so clear. Great moment topped by the ultra sad look on Al's face.

This is the SNL News/Weekend Update joke (with Norm McDonald) that we deserved and never got.

Have they cast Black Manta yet?

What about the Protest/police shooting episode?

In 2017, I get the distinct feeling that the superior version of Darkseid and the Justice League will be seen when "Young Justice" returns from hiatus.

I'm now interested in possibly buying the DVD set. 2 questions:

I liked the Boondocks while it was on. Here's hoping the social commentary is as sharp as the "Return of the King" episode. Either way, I'll be watching.

This list also lacks "Crossing Over".It's like the Crash of immigration.

This is a pretty good cast. Who'd be the recurring ex-wife (in place of Stanley Zbornak)?

Holy sh-t, I laughed REALLY hard at that. I shouldn't have, but I did.

I'd buy that for a dollar.

If he partied in real life anything like his character from Robocop, Miguel can say he lived a good life. R.I.P. :(

Thanks for the link. I'm disappointed yet not completely surprised that he'd say such foolishness.

Racist? I've listened to his stand ups. Unlike many Black comedians, Steve Harvey tends to eschew race in his sets (though it's definitely aimed at Black folks).