
"Although I do want to bang her aunt though."

I hear that, but that particular viewpoint - which Dwyane Wade echoed at the ESPY's - is best reserved for another discussion /comment thread.

Be honest: who gave just the slightest thought of calling this number?

Upvoted for "homophobots".

I hear that. Refn's movies all seem to work better with multiple viewings.

That would make an interesting opening credits theme.

Wow. That last fight scene was all over the place and was, thus, a huge anticlimactic disappointment. Bring back Fisk and bring on Bullseye for season 3!

I wasn't going to reply to your post until I saw someone else mention the Bechdel test. Then I remembered my aversion to Netflix's Jessica Jones series. The following article: http://www.themarysue.com/r…

I don't think they'd have to turn Karen into a heroin-addled prostitute for another reason: she's already got a "Bullseye" on her back for next season as Fisk plots his revenge.

Yeah, you might be the only one.


Ha! Talk about the kettle calling the pot black.
(Hmm… considering the two individuals being discussed, this saying, given verbatim, may not be the best fit here.)

"but then again I'm a sociopath."

Wait… was that a crack at DC?

I figured that wheelchair development was yet another Batman-influenced move where Felicity would've had a code name that was similar to Oracle. (Glad I was wrong.)

Yeah, he was NOT the redeeming factor of Pixels. There's this weird threesome subplot involving him, Martha Stewart, and Serena Williams.

Margot Robbie = Patricia Bateman?

"After the way he behaved on the set of Suicide Squad, I'm pretty sure she would agree with you."

You seen his work in "Dead Presidents"?

But the question becomes: Would you have watched if you knew it was airing?