
As bad as the writing has been at times, I did like that this comedy has dealt with some pretty serious issues. Marty getting falsely arrested by the cops and the racism he's faced from a few clients definitely hit me hard while watching the first 3 seasons.

Ha ha. i just imagined your NOOOOOOOOO!!! in the voice of Tina Belcher.

Hey! What happened to the Homer Simpson character? This guy is fat and stupid!

i haven't seen any of the second season yet, but I loved the first season. Great cast. Sharp writing. And best of all, a willingness to tackle difficult topics on a variety of social issues.

"CBS says yes to Katherine Heigl, no to Nancy Drew".

That's a fair criticism, but there are websites that pretty much have racist, sexist, and homophobic comments in spades. I don't really expect that stuff - and it honestly wasn't that bad - on AV Club. Besides the intellectual and the numerous belly laughs I've had over the years, that's why I always read the

Yeah, i fell behind, but if what you're hinting at is real, I'm getting caught up real soon.

Ugh. Hope they don't filter over here on this site.

I think that monologue was included as a counterpoint, not just to Tessa Thompson's character, but to the movie as a whole. Justin Simien said as much in an interview. He created that character's speech from the comments/feedback he got when he released the fake trailer for DWP.

Hey, here's an idea: don't watch it and spare us the commentary. Besides, just a hunch, but I think Netflix will be just fine without your monthly subscription.

But do you do it because they're black, or because you don't want them to stare at your distracting cleavage?

That's what you're basing your decision on?

Leave BvS alone. It's film rating - and its viewers - have suffered enough!

LOL. Oh, I get it. Sarcasm. (Almost had me fooled.)

Your point about the DCAU treatment makes a ton of sense. Heck, I think DC/WB would be a lot better off if they handed the movie and TV reins over to Bruce Timm, Paul Dini, Alan Burnett, etc.

I'd rather Sara went back to Arrow and they ditched the other Lance sister.

So it'd a sitcom? Yeah, might as well. That'll work better than the junk we've gotten so far.

Seriously? Kevin Smith? Is that true?

Hmm… do you have a link?

Oh… I see what you did there.