
A- for Crank 2?

If it was me, I'd take Rachael Ray. She's a good cook. Sometimes hard choices are simple.

Yup, pretty much sums it up.

One small addendum…

Christ, I hope the movie's producers didn't use that fact as justification to whitewash the role.

Good movie, ESPECIALLY that monologue at the end!!! I give it an A just for that.

The other stuff I don't know about, but he speaks out and organizes protests against police brutality. He also does community marches to stop gun violence in various urban communities. That's not race-baiting.

Besides, he's Al Sharpton, so fuck him.

But killing her as the show ends is like a big (disrespectful) F-CK YOU to Nicole Beharie. Who didn't deserve it… so I guess I'm saying: F-CK YOU to the producers.

Oh man, I'm sad Drive was mentioned in the same ilk as f-cking Quentin Tarantino.

Ok, that explains it. Cheers.

"Scheck was the best lawyer on the team by far"

I wonder if "The Walking Dead" also chronicles how to write shitty season finales for TV dramas.

WOW! Conclusions from watching this series:

Totally agree! I looked him up on IMDB and was shocked to find that this was his first major acting role. Hope he gets TONS of work now going forward.

That's intriguing, but that'd also f-cking suck! If they did that, why not show the Negan goon getting his head bashed in? We have to wait like 7 months just for that?

So did I.
I kid you not: I thought it was a thinly veiled reference to co-star Jennifer Lopez's butt.

Got a link to that article you referenced? (Wouldn't mind reading it.)

First, apologies for the delayed response. I wanted to see Batman v. Superman before replying. I saw it earlier today and, holy f-ck, your comments are spot on.

Oh yeah, I agree. The tone was off, and the character that needed a bit more "darkness" (Lex Luthor) wasn't. But I liked "Do you bleed?" because Superman is damn-near god-like in power and abilities. For a man to have the temerity to directly threaten a being like that intrigued me.