
No, I was aware of that. I liked Man of Steel, despite its flaws. After falling asleep in the theater during "superman returns" on two different occasions, I wanted a movie that didn't bore me to tears. Say what you will, but Man of Steel delivered on that front.

My understanding is she's contractually obligated to ONLY stick out her tongue if twerking and large foam fingers are also present - in varying degrees - on stage.

Possible explanation for the surprise: We're all idiots?

No, not really. Actually, since I don't really like Superman as a character, I liked the idea of a "mere mortal" threatening him outright. I was like, "Yeah! Kick his ass!"

F-ck, I just wrote that. Cheers for your comment and jeers for me not scrolling down first before replying.

I'm thinking D.C.'s live action movies might be better if they employed the main people who've done the animated movies (i.e. "Warner Premiere") and various animated TV series.

What was sad (to me) was waiting 2 f-cking years for this film and being more and more antsy with each new trailer ONLY to have that topped by the feeling of COLOSSAL F-CKING DISAPPOINTMENT after watching the movie.

Wish I could give more than one thumbs up for this. Affleck was (surprisingly) really good in this flick.

The recent Transformers movies have shown me one thing:
No matter the reviews, if a franchise is popular, it'll still be a box office hit.

First, I liked your post. You thoroughly explained your stance in terms of not liking a lot of the current (fictional) movies coming out of Hollywood.

So I'm guessing you're not watching any of Marvel's stuff on Netflix?

Well, she could try but Cochran/Vance is basically made of teflon, so he'd probably land on his feet, look up at her while shaking his head with a "Please" scowl on his face.

According to this episode then, you would be considered an outlier.

Don't think they compared her box office appeal to other actresses. Rather, it was the movies Zoe had already been cast in (Star Trek, Avatar).

I remember when this film was still in production and reading somewhere (can't recall where) that Zoe was cast due to having a "stronger box office appeal".

Thanks for the link. Few writers can compare to Coates.

lol @ "maybe I should change my avatar".

It doesn't need to hold up "against a more popular release" per se. Just be a success box-office wise to launch the rest of the other movies WB/DC has planned.

Hey Spidey, haven't you been in three straight bad movies? And you're going back to Sony once this Civil War stuff is over.

"near universal hatred"?