

Yeah, you might be the only one. Why are you opposed to it?

I actually yelled at the screen numerous times for Chris to kiss Marcia. "Kiss her." "KISS her!" "KISS HER, you fool! What other sign do you need?"

Wait… are you saying you liked Goran Parlov's artwork or you didn't?

That's true, but swears and boobs are nice to have too.

Unless you PERSONALLY KNEW the victims of that case, the fact that you take comfort that someone who helped innumerable people, worked very hard in his profession, died slowly speaks volumes about your character (or lack thereof.)

His "legacy" is shucking and jiving, lying, obfuscating, preening and unethically exploiting racial resentment to ensure that a murderer walked free. I don't know how anyone could diminish that legacy.

Umm…. Are you OJ's publicist or something?

What i wondered was, "What DID Johnny do with the actual pics of OJ's kids?"

Quick question: I missed most of this season, but i did see a commercial where it looked like Peggy had a Black male love interest.

In terms of arguing for the gender politics, but being blind to the racial is an astute observation that continues to hold weight even today.

Jackie f-cking Chiles? C'mon.

That pep talk by Johnny Cochrane to OJ had ME thinking I could run six straight blocks!

With two "fucks" this episode and a "motherfucker" in the last episode, I'm guessing uncensored tits on FX can't be far behind.

Holy fuck! I literally spit up my drink at the MODOK reference. Wish I could upvote your comment 10 times.

The truly sad thing to me is it's doubtful this trial would have had the media coverage it did if OJ murdered wife was white.

Please explain.

I gotta ask: Did OJ ACTUALLY f-cking say that?! That seems too absurd for it to be real.

Nah, he just likes fish sticks in his mouth.

Sadly, it's why I watch it on mute.