
What's funny about that is Superman is ACTUALLY an alien, and this Poochie reference kinda works here (even though there is no home planet to return to.).

(Please indulge me, because I'm curious as to what the response might be.)

lol. This is so strange. Someone else said this EXACT thing to me about 2 weeks ago regarding Miller's Dark Knight Returns.

Quick question: did you read the Punisher MAX run by Jason Aaron?

Fair enough, but I take it you're not familiar with Frank Miller's "The Dark Knight Returns"?

OK, thanks.

Yeah, I'd love to see that too, though I doubt we'll get that exact version. The brilliant casting of Jon Bernthal told us all that they'd keep the Punisher young (too young for Vietnam, but definitely not for Iraq or Afghanistan or any other place where U.S. soldiers/military are/were deployed). They still could

"What happened to the William Fichtner character Jamal was supposed to be working with? Has that just vanished too?"

Can't argue there. Good quote.

Storm is one of Apocalypse's Horsemen

Honestly, this is the stuff Marvel is doing that excites me more. Growing up reading Punisher and Daredevil primarily and reading (and collecting) Punisher MAX about seven years ago got me back into comics. I have complete confidence that they'll go as dark as they need to this upcoming season of Daredevil.

Nah. (though Black Panther's inclusion this time has me pumped.)

Just on a related note, I saw "A Christmas Story 2" on TV this past weekend where Ralphie is a teenager…

Is that before or after the show's producers rastify Rick by 10%?

As cool a moment as that was, all that told me was she's not long for this world.

Please don't compare this show to Hannibal. It's bad enough it's off the air, but comparing Hannibal to TWD is like an extra cruel kick in the teeth for its fans.

Lol! I wish I could upvote this more than once. It truly is absurd.

At one time? Yes.

"If GLEEN could fit under the dumpster…"

No, I don't think there's a rift between Mison and Beharie. (Actually, I recall reading somewhere that Mison was the one who informed Beharie about the commentary recording when he didn't see her there.)