
I heard about this several months back, when I thought Sleepy Hollow was gonna get cancelled after the nosedive that was season 2. Instead, I found out something else… Here's the link:

During the time that the season 2 DVD was being made, the show's producers called Tom Mison - and not Nicole Beharie - for episode commentaries. She found out about this slight, and wasn't too happy. It was not a case where she declined due to other commitments; rather, she wasn't even given the option.
During season

In Beharie's case, the resentment and bitterness - if the rumours are true - are justified.

Look at the women on this show. Who DOESN'T flash their chest?

Yeah, I'm noticing more and more that Nicole Beharie seems to have slightly checked out as these episodes drag on. The energy was there for the first few episodes, but yeah, she - like this show - is done.
Mison is plugging away, but then again, he's been shown more respect by the show's producers (than his co-star).

Sons of Anarchy spin-off?

Gonna really miss this show.

Great analogy!
It's funny you brought this up. This evening, sure enough there was a crash on the highway as I was heading home. And yup, people were rubbernecking and slowing traffic to an absolute crawl. I honestly don't know which is worst: sitting through an F-rated hour-long episode or being stuck in traffic due

"Stallone in Judge Dredd".

I'm sad I can only upvote your comment once. (Gave me a good laugh.)

Cool. Thanks for the breakdown (and word of caution.)

I think I'm gonna look it up (Hostages, that is). F reviews (and comments) are an awesome mix of comedy and writer/reviewer angst.

You're not alone.

Those episodes got F's?

Just out of curiosity, did you get suckered like me and watch multiple seasons of SOA, patiently waiting for it to get good? (Sadly, I watched 5 seasons before calling it quits.)

What's hilarious about your post is that you're actually asking for spoilers. I don't think I've ever seen that. (It's usually the opposite.)

I agree with you on SOA. After seeing trailers for this show, it's like Kurt Sutter saw how popular Game of Thrones was and wanted to create his own version to cash in.

Jesus, an F only 8 episodes in? That's gotta be a record!

An F- for this show or Dexter's series finale?

Crap! Beat me to it.