Yes, that would make sense.
Yes, that would make sense.
Whew! I thought it was just me who was scared shitless by that. I haven't seen any other comments indicating that until yours.
Have to ask this:
Yeah, I know the universes are linked/shared. I just meant on the big screen.
Cool. Thanks.
*Sigh* Andy, you make good points. And I get the strong feeling that you're a bit of a comic fan like me.
Yes, pal, I get that. But the "C" stands for "cinematic" as in movie cinema. Given past "cinematic" experiences (i.e. films), I'd greatly prefer if Frank Castle and Daredevil stay on the small screen for now.
Well, the script certainly sucked, but man oh man, Stevenson embodied the look of the MAX version of the Punisher.
I get the terrifying part, but you want a sexy Punisher?
For some reason, when I read this, I thought of that scene with Deniro and Pacino in "Heat".
When you say, "has to beat up the Punisher", do you mean from a fighting skill standpoint or a "it's better for the story" standpoint?
In the MCU? No thanks. Disney'll probably make a family-friendly Punisher if he's on the big screen.
Ha! Now I get it. Nice.
Hmmm… Either X-Pac, Billy Gunn or (something) Dogg (the guy with the hair braids)
What about the WWE's Degeneration X? They were hugely popular!
Nice. Gotta love a Norm McDonald Weekend Update reference.
Especially the ending (when one of the kids becomes a drug addict.) :(
It says that you're probably not alone.
That photo is hilarious! (Might have made me laugh harder than any episode of the show's original run.)