Great point! (Sad that season 2 has been delayed.)
Great point! (Sad that season 2 has been delayed.)
Not necessarily a bad thing. The cast of Hannibal are some pretty good-looking folks.
"HBO itself has had numerous critically acclaimed shows few watched."
True, but in defense of GoT, it certainly has its moments in terms of stellar, quiet moments. The scene from last season with Tyrion and Jamie just before Tyrion's trial by combat really stood out to me.
I've watched this show a few times purely because I hoped Betty White's presence would turn this into a modern age Golden Girls (a show I loved as a kid).
Doesn't look it though.
That photo above is hilarious. It looks like Betty White quietly farted and they've all come to the realization that it was her.
It's funny you brought up the Lance family. Sara (somehow) will be alive in the new spinoff show. Laurel (somehow) became more popular and liked than Felicity during the second half of this past season of Arrow.
And Det. Lance (somehow) is still alive.
lol. This comment almost tops the video.
… and Cavanagh’s Wells (with his muted gravitas and halting speech patterns).
Oh ok. Thanks for clarifying.
I don't know if this was ever in the works…
Heavenly Sword 2.
Quick question:
was Vandal Savage in the trailer at all? I kept looking for the long-haired version (like in Young Justice), but didn't see him.
Thanks for the link. Didn't even know a trailer was available.
Yeah, I'm with you on the odd additions of Cold and Heatwave. Capt. Cold JUST showed us this week that he can't be trusted.
I've been reading some comics… I thought her name was Dinah.
Go away and troll elsewhere.
What makes this poem especially awesome to me is reading it in my head hearing the voice of Jervis Tetch (as voiced on BTAS).
First of all, thanks to Scott for filling in for me last week and keeping that grade average right where it should be.
Was that a Towelie reference?