Yes, Spawn!!! Definitely!
Yes, Spawn!!! Definitely!
No current plans for Superman: The Animated Series or Batman Beyond, and I don’t see that changing.
They did another Joker origin story? Or was it that Red Hood story Scott Snyder did?
Too many comments for me to check… but not even an honorable mention for Batman: The animated series? WOW! (apologies if I've repeated the sentiments of anyone else).
10a) I have substantial stock in Jello Pudding Pops and funny-looking sweaters.
Holy shit! Your username is awesome! I've been laughing at the name and the fact that the profile image you have is Queen Latifah.
Hmm… I missed that. Well, I'll have to check that scene again… purely for research purposes, of course.
Was the Random theater-goer 2 Chief Wiggum, by any chance?
Well, serves those movie cinemas right for hiring Tyler Durden.
OK, I'll check for that. (I'm doing a mini-Arrow-thon this weekend.)
I agree.
Has anyone else already mentioned Laurel's magically healing face?
Bloodied and bruised, yet still looks untouched by the next work day?
Yeah, James Woods as Owl-Man was especially chilling. He captured that character's nihilism perfectly.
Oh, good point.
So Harrison Wells is Barry Allen? What's going on here?
I love how Cisco was failing miserably at maintaining eye contact with her.
I have this weird feeling that Tommy is alive somehow and it'll be revealed later this season.
I'd add "The Dark Knight" to that. No real romance in that aside from some note-reading.
hmmm…."pathetic racist scumbag".