This show got 4 B's? WOW. I swear I've seen a C for almost every episode.
This show got 4 B's? WOW. I swear I've seen a C for almost every episode.
What about the Dexter finale? That show definitively earned its "F".
Nah. The first two Raimi movies showed that with capable direction and writing, Spiderman can excel in any movie studio.
lol. Why the skepticism? Young Justice showed Deathstroke (among other villains) and did a pretty good job with him.
Just one other note of nostalgia…
Hmm… call me intrigued.
Who wrote the books?
How's the art? (like the animated series)
And do you know if they have single issue collections (i.e. graphic novels)?
non-Timm animated features? He produced all of those films you listed.
That's a great point regarding his creepiness! I think that might be why one of my all-time favorite S:TAS episodes was Fun and Games. (Toyman's debut.)
Funny how all simple and pedestrian the Legion of Doom seems compared to Darkseid.
Great episode!!!
I thought it was because he has a kid.
where are the Grodd comments? The CG looked pretty good.
Well, I missed most of this episode (*on purpose*), but I caught the end.
Batman will appear if they rastify him by 50%.
Been waiting for this one!! The references made to this Poochie are ABUNDANT in AV's comments' sections.
Well, if that's the case, I can drop my dream of the summer movie spectacular cross-over event: Iron Man vs. Comedian.
*shudders at the mere thought of that.*
Hmm… but what about "hate-watching"? Like a lot of us did for Dexter? (Good times, man.)
You mean, like on an episode of Arrow?