Salmon Treadmill?
Salmon Treadmill?
WOW. Two rogues. Looking forward to who else pops up in these comments over the next few weeks.
lol @ "Bat-tot".
Though not as much as here, there's some hate for Gotham over there too. It's just buried amongst the praise comments.
Great point about his obsessions overcoming his judgment. Never considered that perspective but it makes perfect sense.
Wow. Never even considered that team-up, but you're right: I can totally see Wally rolling his eyes at various points.
Last May, I was at a house party and made them turn the channel to Hannibal so I wouldn't miss the episode. Then I turned up the volume loud.
Great points. Seems a shame that Woody and Matthew are being followed by Vince Vaughn and Colin Farrell in season 2. :(
Love that line, then the shot.
Gotta love Devil Ray's (i.e. Manta's) line: "You'll have to be more specific. I've killed a lot of people."
I gotta say: I appreciate this episode ALL THE MORE now that "The Flash" TV series is here.
I like how the list ended with Arrow. At its best (like, I would argue, this past week's episode), it's a pretty compelling show.
Never seen it, but NOW I know why it's so popular…
Interesting theory.
Who wouldn't look good shirtless on this show?
I agree with you wholeheartedly on Thea's fight and the weakness of her being brainwashed. But the duel was pretty awesome.
But won't Ollie become insane going into the pit? I just re-watched the BTAS episode: The Demon's Quest. Apparently, the pit makes you insane as a side effect. :(
lol. Was that a compliment?
Hmmm… can't see that happening. Maseo was willing to kill Ollie, but Ra's stopped him.
I just miss JLU. (or Young Justice.) *sigh*