
When he's not investigating or sleeping, he goes through everyone's trash.

Ok, thanks for the answer. Hopefully, Jaden Smith won't be cast as "Wally".

For those that are Flash aficionados/experts, I was wondering about something. I noticed that Iris' last name is "West". Is she related to Wally West, who eventually becomes "Kid Flash"? (Thanks in advance for any replies.)

"We're out of Eobard license plates."

I got a good laugh from your use of Marvel character names (Quicksilver, Human Torch) in a DC show.

Doesn't have to be. Nyssa is welcome to follow it as well. Equal opportunities for all!

lmao @ the sheer absurdity of that.

That ending… holy shit!!! Literally dropped my jaw as Ollie dropped from that mountain.

Did you see the top ten and #1? (Hoping against hope doesn't always work.) ;)

Hannibal = #1?

lol… I just assumed you knew something I didn't about another Asian character.

And Maggie Q in Stalker. Not the best show, but still.

Who's the Asian character on Hannibal? … That's still alive, that is. ;)

The art featured during Grodd's narration of Odin was fantastic!

Cool. Didn't know about this. Thanks.

Totally missed that. I guess it wasn't as obvious as The Shade's "This keeps getting better and better" comment as Giganta grew in front of him.

Cool. Thanks. :)

How was the Green Lantern series? (I got scared off by the animation designs.) Comparable to the surprisingly engaging Beware the Batman in terms of action and story?

Jeez… I didn't think I get a little bummed coming to the comments section in a JLU review. But seeing "Young Justice" being mentioned did just that. :(

Well said.