
No "Gotham" as worst disappointment?

Wait! [Uses grappling hook]

Uh… is it a flip?

lol. That was funny.

You didn't do the "Stay out of my territory" threat to him. :(
(Trust me, that'll never get old.)

Just out of curiosity… who's hate-watching this show?

Shadow thief was a very cool villain and great addition to this season's crop of villains. His powers plus that awesome villain voice.

Ha! Nice!

Wow! This is so disappointing b/c McDuffie was a terrific writer. Where'd you hear this?

I'll have to dig way back into my inbox as that was 8 years ago. I'll check though.

When first watching it, I thought Luthor killed him when he shot him point-blank. But you're right: "Bow down to me. Take ___ steps forward." was pretty awesome.

I won't forget that. I was, too. In university, no less. In Canada, JLU would air 11 pm on Friday nights (just before "Ghost in the Shell"). I'd religiously watch every Friday.

As a fan of the original Transformers, I had a chuckle at the "Starscream tries to undermine Megatron, fails" line.

Harrison Wells = Vandal Savage?

He was good with returning emails as well. During the run of the last season of JLU, I emailed him different times, asking him questions. He responded EVERY TIME with a fairly lengthy response.

Interesting take. I enjoyed this season as much as the previous Cadmus arc.

I loved Luthor's line: "They're pathetic, but they're with me."

I wonder if the dearth in female-led superhero films has to do with the clunkers released in early-mid 2000's. (i.e. Catwoman, Elektra). Studios may be scared to fund these projects if they think they'll tank.

I laughed really hard at the aftermath of the "Guess who likes you" note.

If Hannibal Burress is now reviewing restaurants now, does that mean Hannibal Lecter is now doing stand-up?