
Last episode's comments included a fantastic (fictional) Nelson Van Alden journal entry. I was hoping to see another one of those amongst the comments this week. :(

If this show continues to be disappointing, please say these entries will be a weekly thing.

That's f—kin' hilarious!!!

You thought the Raid was overrated? WOW. You're a tough audience.

I also am happy that Maggie Q is back on TV. She just needs to be on HBO or Showtime for obvious reasons… ;)

I wonder if AV Club reviewers know - or care - that giving a show/episode an "F" grade will cause the masochists among us to flock to it.

While reading this post, I could hear Michael Shannon's voice in my head. This seems like EXACTLY what he would've wrote.
Well done!

The Catholic Church/NFL comparison and the Goodell robot had me cracking up. Solid, not great, episode. :)

Hmm… so it was good? :)

Glad i found this. I was pleasantly surprised by how entertaining the Dredd film was AND how it stayed true to its comic roots.

Rothstein was mentioned this episode (as another boss who was cut down violently.) I'm REALLY HOPING we get to see that flashback scene. (A tie-in to Mrs. Schroeder somewhere in that episode or Meyer bringing it up would make the most sense.)

Thanks for the link! :)

I see your point. But so what if the reviews are "great"? How many movies have had solid reviews only to tank at the box office?

This is VERY premature on Marvel's part. This movie looks terrible, so a sequel shouldn't be discussed just yet.

Hannibal. Period!!

Interesting… I always confuse the President with Franklin from Peanuts. :P

Hmm… interesting perspective. I, too, was taken aback by Pitt's performance. Couldn't quite articulate it until reading your post.

You know a show is very good when EVEN the sex scenes are thought-provoking.

Well, if you took either, you wouldn't have time to write (as many) comments. So win-win?

R.I.P. Dwayne McDuffie.