
Does anyone know if that Batman Beyond clip part of a longer movie?

Great post!!! I've been wondering about that raven-stag myself. Your theory about what it symbolizes makes a lot of sense.

What about badgers? Apparently, there's one particular species of badgers that hunts purely just to kill.

I've read Silence in the past year and I don't recall Mason Verger being referenced in that. Hope that narrows it down.

That scene made me, If NBC drops this - dumbasses - and a cable network picks it up, scenes like this will be even more intense. Not a complaint or prediction, just a thought…

I knew the lady wasn't alive… yet I STILL jumped when they opened her chest and that bird flew out!
Through 20 episodes of this fantastic show, I hadn't 'jumped' out of my seat until then. The surprises keep coming…

Uh… no.

He looked partly amused as well… at least to me.

OK, I stand corrected.

Let me preface my critique by saying how much I love this show. But this last episode left me disappointed at times because the time and/or reason gaps.

Must've been a different Thomas Harris book. No Clarice brainwashing in Silence/Lambs.

Neil Gaiman… Was that short story by chance in comic/graphic novel form?

Doesn't shot in the face = dead?

On the subject of hats…

But Hannibal saying, "but what don't you want to watch my master plan unfold?" wasn't just it. This is a man who thoroughly manipulated Will and got into his head. He affected Will unlike anyone else. If Will killed Hannibal, who would've answered his questions as to "why?"

Nah, not overwrought. However, I did wonder how Will just showed up in Hannibal's kitchen. I thought it was a dream sequence at first, but alas, it wasn't.

Whew… I thought I was in the serious minority of being bothered enough by these flaws (i.e. time and space gaps) to be taken a bit out of the viewing experience. Glad to see I'm not the only one.

Amazing episode! And we're only 5 episodes into this season!

Considering EVERYTHING that has happened at that observatory (Marium Lass' hand, Dr. Gideon cutting open Dr. Chilton), you'd think there'd be security cameras installed by now. :P

I dunno. I thought the TV series lacked the heart and subtle social commentary that the comics had, replacing it with over-the-top antics and numerous n-word references. Damn shame it's coming back. :(