
Googled it. Couldn't find it. :(

Thanks for the clarification. I'm a big fan of Gail Simone's work for DC Comics (particularly her current run in "Batgirl"). The "women in refrigerators" term is interesting. I hope that's not the case here, however.

Christ. That's true. The flesh-ripping from 2 episodes ago was almost too much for me.

It's funny that you brought up Alana. I went back and looked at the trailer and you're right. That season 2 trailer shows her holding a gun as a man with a bloodied white shirt approached. If we're doing a timeline, then she came to Hannibal's house during or soon after that fight with Jack. What happens to her… we

In that the suit has 2 distinctly different patterns? If so, good catch!

Oh boy… Scott Buck is back hating on "Hannibal" . lol

The episode opened with Will 'talking' to Abigail Hobbs about fishing and hunting. With fishing, it's about the lure. Once Hannibal knew that she was starting - ever so slightly - to look in his direction, he lured her in.

Has anyone else said, "curiosity killed the Katz?"

So what? This show's writing will devolve into rhyming lines? C'mon.

lol Is that actually a meal?

because she broke into his house (against the law) on will's suggestion (whom no one in the FBI believes is innocent). Made perfect sense.

Ugh… you don't think that would have been kinda corny?

Seeing that lobotomy was disturbing. When that acupuncturist picked up the hammer, I could barely look at the TV anymore.

I didn't mind Waller being willing to kill her operatives so quickly. It shows how ruthless and decisive she is. In every iteration of the character I've seen, she's all about security and minimizing risks. She was no different in the last episode.

Yes to "Hannibal". It's an awesome show!

Still waiting on the Deadshot/Floyd Lawton moustache…

I'd prefer Clock King. We haven't seen Captain Boomerang in the Arrow-verse (yet).

the interesting thing is JLU's "Task Force X" episode was much better and more focused than this one in only half the time. That's quite a feat.

lol @ "Maybe they'll just reboot the series from the beginning so Scott Buck can remake Seasons 1-4, except without anything good."

No. I love this show WAY too much. If it turns to crap, I'll be too heartbroken.
However, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we'll get that Dexter spinoff, led by none other than Scott Buck.