Kat Marlowe

Starting shit with people out of boredom is every small town ever, regardless of social status. My best friend married and moved to a tiny farming town. The politics over which pub to go to are complex and intense. Especially given that the town only has one pub.

Having lived there, everyone knows EVERYTHING about EVERYONE and it is so suffocating! 

I like to recommend Spider plants (Spider Ivy in link Tenite provided).  It’s really easy to care for, nontoxic to cats and dogs, and also it’s just grass so kitty can have a bit if he likes, and you don’t have to keep buying wheatgrass that dies in a week.

You’ve gotten some good suggestions but I’d like to add to make sure to avoid anything “euphorbia”. Super toxic adorable bastids.

Yeah there’s tons. Stay away from lillies or azaleas.

I’ve had my cat for 10 years and have like 30+ house plants all without incident. I’ve heard pencil cactus is not good, but I had one of those for a while and we were still fine :| Rubber plant, kroton, zz palm, jade, aloe, blue agave, grandfather’s pipe varietals, a slew of succulents whose names I don’t know and a

phalaenopsis orchids are a) safe for cats and dogs, and b) fairly hardy. i live in an arid climate at 40° N and they do just fine. i’m a negligent monster, so they sometimes go literally weeks without being watered, and they’re all still in bloom right now. (i have three.)

Yes! There’s a handy list here:

I turn 36 on Sunday and grew up watching As The World Turns and named my Barbies after characters on the show!

I will say again, because this is smearing my integrity. I write my own books. Every word. You may find you don’t like them. You may find one that doesn’t ring for you, but I wrote it. It’s insulting to have a reader decide otherwise because something didn’t work for them. 

I write ALL my own books. You didn’t like one, that’s fine. But I wrote it. I very much object to being accused by someone who doesn’t know me of doing something I consider unethical. I write every book with my name on it. No ghost writer, no co-authors, no team. Me. Period. Nora

Kat’s conversation with her pediatrician:

We need, like, a Maslow’s Hierarchy of Homophobic Bullshit. It goes like “Yelling homophobic slurs,” > “calling your friends homophobic slurs but only as a synonym for ‘retard,’” > “just not being able to accept that some people aren’t interested in your genitals,” > “I want gay friends because they’re all so

Oh my! Well now. That is, err, ummm. Hmmm....

I assume they hired their friendly neighborhood serial killer.

Slightly off topic, but thanks to incessant computer use, my once-legible handwriting has gone the way of the dodo bird. I have a hard time even forming letters in cursive these days, so if I do write something by hand, I have to print. It’s gotten kind of ridiculous. I was trying to write a check yesterday and had to

Shame. Her first and last spring break cut short like that.

This make me chuckle. Thank you. :)

If they try this, the furor over Colton being chosen Bachelor instead of Grocery Store Joe or Stylish Nerd Wills will look like a tot-lot pattycake fight.

Lori to the judge: