
Maybe, but she would still have biological advantages that can’t be countered like a larger lung capacity, a larger heart, stronger bone density, and longer arms and legs relative to body size, which testosterone doesn’t effect. I know I’ll probably get reamed for this, but honestly I struggle with how to balance

Maybe he doesn't care as much about his lack of hair as people on the internet do.

“I was just goofin’ around herpa derp! I got kids and a wife derpa herp!”

Dammit, you chucklefuck, your intentions were perfectly clear. You wanted to hurt and embarrass a total stranger because some stray gross impulse darted across your lizard brain and being a white male, you never even thought to resist or question it. You honestly expected her to find that funny or at least “laugh it

Why wear suits 2 sizes too big or ties 4 inches too long? The man didn’t even know how to properly wear a waistcoat when he met the Queen. The oversized suits “make him look slimmer” and the ties “taller.” I’m sure he believes the orange makes him look healthier. There is literally no rationale to this man’s behavior.

We already sunbathe our assholes....or at least half sunbathe em/fake tan em:


it was his staff that clearly got it into his thick bull fucking skull that he needs to say very little, that he needs to say specifically what they tell him, and he needs to stfu and not say anymore.  This is pretty fucking unbelievable that he does NOT have the mental capacity to do this without notes.  This goddamn

Needs to consult his notes to remember five sentences, three of which are the same sentence and two that don’t actually mean anything. Very stable genius indeed.

I had a devout Catholic friend who sincerely believed she’d be “rewarded” with fantastic sex if she waited until marriage. We tried to warn her, but her Catholic priest was no match. She told us the on her wedding night she’d be having non-stop orgasms and the next morning they wouldn’t be able to eat breakfast

It’s purposeful, to increase the stigma against sex. If you think it’s going to be painful or your body needs weeks of preparation beforehand you’re going to be more intimidated and more likely to wait for marriage.

Your first point is chilling and I don’t know how it didn’t even occur to me.

My son is 2 and a half. Yesterday they had a drill called “rabbits in the hole” where all the children hide silently around the classroom. I’ve been having a really hard time with it.

These drills are just a fact of life in schools now, the way recess or lunchtime or math class is. The two things I keep thinking about in regard to that:

This is fucked up. I have two boys who are 8 and 11. My 8-year-old gets anxious about the drills, and I had to hold back tears when he told me his teacher was telling the class that she’s strong and “can fight” to protect them, and showed them an alternate exit. He then explained to me how he’d run from “the shooter

Oh sure it looks bad, but that's only because you put exactly what they said into print with the appropriate amount of context around it to get across exactly what they were trying to say!

I read a summary of the complaint. The Hot Yoga studio is in a complex of four buildings, two of which have businesses that sell alcohol. The disturbances were in the vicinity of Food Glorious Food (which has a bar) and Ricardo’s (also a restaurant with a bar.) The suit also references the shopping center that housed

He is giving people what they truly want: punishment for everyone who doesn’t look like them.  He hasn’t destroyed America, he just gave her permission to show her true colors

I’ve read some other commenter make this suggestion before and I think it is a good idea: Trump loves putting his name on everything — so let’s do just that. These border camps should be rebranded as “Trumpcamps” — forever linking him to this act of abominable cruelty.

It’s strictly a coincidence that the Polio vaccine innoculations and Ray Kroc’s aquisition of McDonald’s happened around the same period in time. Note that the number of reported cases of Polio dropped year by year as the number of McDonald’s outlets multiplied almost exponentially. So-called “scientists” and