
I believe that if done well the uncomfortableness would have been the point of the scene, but that’s just way too subtle for Snyder. As it is it’s unintentionally almost meaningful but mostly just cringe.

It blows my mind that they want to go to the Supreme Court for the right to block people who want to pay them money for sub par pizza. Do they hate paying customers? I get that not everything on the Web can be translated by a screen reader and that guidelines are necessary, but a system for ordering pizza really

Agreed. There are many many actors on that show with better skills than Kit Harington. He’s great at looking pained though.

I wasn’t expecting GoT to get this many nominations for the overall episodes. The acting and directing was great as usual, it was the plotting that was the problem. I did love the second episode where they built up to the Battle of Winterfell by having the characters bond though. That was lovely.

Why is getting a divorce better? If blowing off steam once or twice a year works for them then why not? It’s about trusting the other person. If they can let each other go like that and trust each other to come back then I think they have a stronger relationship than most people. I don’t think I could do that.

Oh no please don’t. Just tell the original main story. I’m even fine with two films. But this is not a world that is appropriate for franchise making. Just look what happened to the prequel and sequel books! I’m still trying to scrub the modern ones from my mind. We were all much better without the extra material

Not democracy. Elective monarchy. Used to be fairly common. The King is still King and he’s still absolute ruler. It’s just that his sons won’t necessarily be.

Who knows. That bit makes no sense.

King’s Landing was founded by the Targaryens so the Crownlands would always have fallen under them. Before they got to Westeros I have the impression that there weren’t many people around that area. They may have been ruled by the lords of Harrenhal? That’s not too far away.

Another thing they could have done better. Green eyes was obviously Cersei. Arya just decided that prophecies are optional. Which is actually a huge theme in the story, at least in the books.

Re. Sansa, at that point it was up to Bran as everybody else had approved him as king. And he’s fine with it. She knew exactly what she was doing when she waited until last to speak.

Did they say two weeks? Tyrion said something like “these past few weeks”. That could mean anything from three weeks to three months.

They could have done the Night King at the end of the last season, and then done these last three episodes into an entire season. There’s plenty of juicy potential intrigue that’s just skipped here.

It was all plausible, but it wasn’t given the proper foundations or the time for us to get to a point where we go “Ah but of course”. It just leapt from point to point too fast for us to really believe it in our guts or even really care.

This is exactly what I was thinking. I don’t actually hate any of the major plot points this season, they just feel way too rushed and there’s no basis for them. Everything after killing the Night King could easily have been a whole season of GoT, and it would have given the writers time to really build to these

Dany didn’t win the game. She broke the board and stomped on the pieces. I’ll be surprised if there is still such a thing as the Seven Kingdoms at the end of the next episode.

It was a lovely ending to the story but I must say I hated the score to a lot of the last 15-20 minutes. These were supposed to be showing a bittersweet ending, but they were overlaid by this weird ominous almost horror movie like music. I kept expecting someone to jump out from a bush to snatch Wayne’s grandkids or

Either they'll handwave it as Paul being younger than Chalamet. Or they'll make a plot point out of the life extending properties of melange and use that to explain his parents looking so young.

This is about unions, not immigration. Either way, unions also fight for their immigrant members, making sure they’re paid the same as everyone else.

What do you mean by ‘can’? You should be able to post links to whatever you want.