
How is it a “sleeping bag” when the arms and legs are separated? Also, who would want to sleep in a suit like that? Your arms and legs get way colder when they’re not together in one space and can share heat. I’m overthinking this aren’t I?

Hey Esther, wassup? I did the quiz. I got 2 points. Lol!

I got 2 haha! I feel like that quiz would make someone answer a certain way because they know what it’s about. Thought maybe that’s just me.

Why doesn’t this have more stars? Or a mention in the article?! Because if she’s working on this I’ll be glued to the screen.

Caprica had a lot of potential that was squandered by SyFy’s weird scheduling and budget cuts. It was also envisioned as an ongoing series, not a miniseries.

I liked the movie despite its flaws but Im not sure about a TV show. It’d not a huge sandbox world at all, it’s a bunch of people on a train. I’d watch prequel a miniseries about the runup to the freeze and the building of the train though. That would be cool, and could have some absolutely bonkers weird science type

He put the burden of proof on the fan to prove non existence. If he had taken the bet, Gunn wouldn’t have had to do anything. And yes, the bet is moot and purposeless as it’s unwinnable by the fan. Gunn knows this. It was a joke.

No, he said if you can prove the Easter Egg is not there he would pay. If someone finds it he wins. If nobody finds it he also wins as he’ll just say it hasn’t been found yet. In no case does he lose anything.

He could be lying and he’d still win. All he has to do is keep on saying it’s there. Whether it’s actually there or someone finds it is kind of irrelevant.

The Mirror is not a reliable source. Just relax, it’s bs.

The Mirror? I don’t trust them for two seconds. They’re making it up. This is the BBC we’re talking about, not some profit chasing corp. They wouldn’t change out their actors based purely on merch sales.

Also it hit a little populated area. The worst hit town is still completely cut off though, apparently the damage there is pretty bad. But it’s a town of only 2000 and there are no reported deaths so I guess it’s mostly material and infrastructure damage.

Work visas are given out based on what kind of job you’d be doing and at what skill level. They’re pretty restrictive. They have a list I think, you should check it out. Though if you have any pre existing medical conditions they might say no because your medical care would cost more than their revenue from your

Thanks! I’ll definitely keep that in mind

Being not used to earthquakes I sat up in bed and stayed there until my housemate started shouting to see if I was okay. Then we were hanging out in the doorway for another few minutes. It went on for absolute ages. And every time I was about to go back to sleep I could feel another rumbling. It was much worse further

I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again. Geoblocking is the fucking worst.

Nobody expected GoT to have the impact it did though. HBO is good at taking calculated risks on good storytelling.

Would just have to do it between camera changes. Film the scene two or three times with different makeup/hair/costume and clip them together.

Good point. But if you’re a white male nerd who feels “othered”, that’s probably due to other, “cooler”, white males so it’s really a case of misplaced anger. Also I suppose it’s easier to kick down at those more “other” than you than it is to stand up to the mainstream non nerd club. Because doing so would ruin any

No. Like the feminist one it’s just a bit silly, and I would expect anyone wearing it to be doing so ironically.