Katja Isaksen

Darlene on the subway surrounded by people in various types of masks. This episode was truly impressive.

Breaking Bad vibe? That was the same location, with the same imagery but in a different context. There was even a van/minibus and an oversized piece of luggage!

I always call him Barrowmerlyn. An io9 writer used it and it stuck in my head.

I definitely made the assumption that the angels lost the thing in Jesse somehow. Why else would they have to hide that they're trying to get it back?

I hope Lily went off into the world and was glorious. I can see her marching and disrupting with the suffragettes, burning bras in the 60s and 70s, and making MRAs cry today.

Not sure if she matured as an actress as much as her character changed and she portrayed the change well. I've always felt she was underestimated, from Doctor Who to Secret Diary of a Call Girl to this. She's fantastic.

The writers had a character that was pretty cool but didn't know what to do with her as the story went on. The inhuman stuff with her was especially weak… Was she supposed to stay as long as she ended up doing? Maybe they saw her potential and expanded her role but ended up miscalculating?

Honestly I don't need this show to be about that much. We're exploring the characters, the setting and the situation, and there is progression. Just not very fast progression. But it's so entertaining in what it does that I'm enjoying the hell out of it even when there's hardly any story. That scene where the "angels"

I thought this was a great episode. Very well done military themes and the battle was beautifully horrifying. Very well done. The debate in the tent was important because it sets up a few things. That the prince doesn't have a clue how to be a military leader, that battles must be won by cool heads (not by charging

That was hilarious. The heavily pregnant woman asks if the adult male needs protection. And in context it's completely logical.

If she was comfortable in her own skin she wouldn't be mixing mood stabilizers with alcohol and calling it lunch. She's smart though, and probably won't let go this easily. I think she'll be back.

I hope so. In real life I would hate her but as a character I think she's great. She obviously has some serious issues of her own, but she's also smart enough (and enough like Felix) to not let something like this lie. She might not want to butt in where she's not wanted, but I doubt she'll be able to resist in the

I like this show. It definitely keeps me on my toes because I have no clue what will happen between one scene and the next. I liked those disconnected scenes for the feel of them, the cold open especially, but I admit I had almost forgotten them. Mostly because I had nothing to connect them to in my head. I don't mind

Ah yes. I guess I mixed them into one character. Been a while since reading.

I figure he's mainly after power. He wants the Tyrells to be scared of him and the Faith, and arresting Olenna would just make them angry again.

It was a veiled threat to remind Margaery to stay on the straight and narrow or bad things might happen to her family. He knows she's close with Olenna.

Myles, that was most definitely the Brotherhood Without Banners. And that guy with the distinctive yellow cloak was Lem the archer. He didn't seem to be carrying a bow, but the sept builders had all been shot with arrows so it definitely fits. Maybe Sandor will go face them and somehow overcome his fear of fire when

There are wildlings south of the Wall too. Remember those tribesmen Tyrion picked up on his way back from the Vale in season 1? Also, everyone south of the Wall believe they are the reason the Wall was built and why the Night's Watch exists. Of course they hate wildlings. It's probably also a superiority thing, like

In a fictional universe where dimensional breaches are an established concept and one of the main characters has the power to open them at will, getting Supergirl into the same universe is not worth erasing several seasons of character development.

I love Barrowman and all, and Barrowmerlyn was one of the best things on the show for a very long time, but Malcolm is just so predictable now. He does something for his own benefit, drags Thea into it, justifies whatever by saying it's all for her, his plan goes wrong, he about-faces, gets to be on the team for a few