Katja Isaksen

Ira is the mole. Obviously.

Nothing for Elizabeth Moss on The Handmaid's Tale? Really?

There is a (not so subtle) hint that American Gods is set in the same universe as The Sandman. In the book, if you pay attention, Delirium shows up in the background when Shadow and Wednesday meet Easter in the park. I don't remember if Destruction was there as well.

Speaking of soundtrack, I'm wondering if they're using the songs Neil Gaiman put into the book. I think he mentions and lists them in the afterword.

I figure Snyder betrayed them because his daughter is on the exclusion list. As long as she's alive she's leverage, and the Authority knows that. I bet most if the collaborators have families they're trying to keep safe, just like Will was doing.

When I was watching that I was thinking that Colleen must be a truly shitty teacher to engender that kind of aggression. Also her former students seem to know a lot more about the organisation than their "sensei".

I wonder if all K'un-Lunians sounds like Mancs. Cause that would be weird seeing as they're from the Himalayas.

Why is Colleen suddenly all doe eyed? He's been nothing but annoying, creepy and entitled with her. "I bought your building." is she supposed to be somehow thankful that the weirdo who's been making her life difficult is now her landlord and has actual power over her?

Poor Joe. Always the punching bag. Though I got the feeling he made the decision to try and change the system from within. That talk with Nicole a couple episodes back about using his father's position to do good… He did do that in the end, it's just that doing good isn't necessarily rewarded. I do wish Joe could be

Kind of looks like they're trying to replace Vampire Diaries to me. Sans vampires.

That's pretty much what Scandinavian model socialism does. And probably a more European interpretation of the word "libertarian" overall.

I'm glad Ollie is on an upward turn atm. Every other season has started happy(ish) and then gone downhill, this is a nice change. Also, Stephen Amell seems like such a happy charming guy and he has such a huge big goofy smile. It's nice to see him use it on the show sometimes. All in all a good, simple, workaday

Eh, I gave up on that around 2002-2003. I heard it got better (after Jordan died). I'd pick it back up but I'd have to reread the whole thing to remember the beats. I just don't have the patience to wade through all the braid flicking and sniffing and dress describing again.

How do you cure fear? In May's case I was thinking diazepam…

Wow. That made so little sense it kind of hurts my brain a little.

Coming September 30th, but where exactly? It's Friday night here and still not up.

While I would love a series with Pedro Pascal as the main character, anything is going to be a step down from Escobar. If they do the Cali Cartel next year they will have to change up their formula to keep my interest at least.

The "Comedic Map of Europe" on the wall behind Price when he was making his little speech. Wow…

I sort of took Mr Robot killing Wellick in the dream sequence as a confirmation that he already killed him in real life. He was talking about hiding from the truth for protection at the time, and Elliot definitely doesn't need to know that his alternate personality killed a man. Plus, it fits very well with what

Danish. The actor who plays Tyrell is Swedish.