Katja Isaksen

Weird, intense, great characters, potential for serious ass kicking and high drama. Count me in.

Well yes. Why would they include it? It very likely has no real bearing on the story. I just like nerding out over fake lore.

Do you mean Cassidy? He's a guy from Lancashire playing an Irishman so yeah it got a bit weird. The North of England morphed into Irish and back.

Isn't that just a theory? The Night's King story is an old old legend that might not even be true. It could have been based simply on a Lord Commander deciding that he should be a king and then being defeated by the Starks.

Yep, reviewer got it wrong. Next season: Clarke & co deal with nuclear winter?

I was sure he was going to take out a gun and kill himself.

Seriously, the team needs to clue Fusco in. Keeping him in the dark is not contributing to his safety, or that of his son.

Being in denial isn't the same as not knowing.

I'm pretty sure Sansa would know about Jon's resurrection if only because she's been at Castle Black long enough to have a bath and change clothes. I doubt the people there are talking about anything else these days. At least when Jon isn't in the room. If she hasn't heard she will by the next episode I think. Even if

I have no problem with Jamie and Murtagh believing Claire's story straight-up. They're 16th century Highlanders. People were a lot more inclined to believe in the supernatural back then. I am sort of surprised none of them handed her straight to the nearest priest for burning, but I guess they don't see the magic of

I agree with everything you're saying, but I do think the way the director chose to present the relationship between Ira and Susan was deliberately to make us go "ick!" It was something shocking to end the episode with and so far makes no sense beyond that. If there had been any hint of that kind of relationship

Oh god no. Please don't even say it!

It's completely ridiculous and very entertaining. It has some very problematic rapey bits with a main character in the first season but the writers seem to have realised their mistake and I don't think they repeat it. Definitely recommended.

I was so excited when he was introduced too. He was totally badass on Black Sails, he would have been a kickass regular on The 100.

I want them to defeat ALIE and make sure everything is relatively settled only for Indra and Octavia to give each other a look, tie Pike to a pole and give him the 300 cuts. Bellamy should get a serious lashing at the very least.

Yeah they didn't seem to know each other. I guess she got Ira from the military branch when he was young enough to take in a different direction.

Oooh now you made me imagine Dr Leekie applying for funding. Purpose: Nefarious human experimentation on a line of clones illegally made in the 1980s. Methods: Kidnapping, extortion, torture, undercover agents to monitor their every move, involuntary medical exams and treatments. Budget: Give us all the money or we'll

Thanks. Doesn't seem that accurate to apply to the Leda clones though. They're not modified to carry anything specific that we know except infertility. Their illness has been portrayed as an unintended side effect. From what Susan said it sounded like they're supposed to be used as wildtype controls to compare with

Susan/Ira thing was stupid and pointless. I see absolutely no good reason why that had to be necessary for storytelling purposes. Maybe the show will surprise me but I doubt it. It seemed like just a way to have something shocking to end the episode.