Katja Isaksen

I don't know the term Cosima used, but what Susan said implied that the Leda clones were meant to be a set of identical subjects that can be used as a reliable baseline to compare with altered clones. It's what's done in mice. Take a well known inbred mouse strain consisting of 99% genetically identical individuals,

It better be a red herring. Hopefully Lincoln will sacrifice himself for the mission. I so wanted to like that character (doctor! cool powers!) but it's just impossible.

I don't think Chloe Bennett is that bad, but it's true the guy who plays Lincoln is terrible and they have zero chemistry. He's also had pretty terrible material to work with (mope, mope, more mope) but still. Mack and JoJo have WAY more chemistry. I'm actively shipping them. One of them better not die!

Possibly. I wonder if maybe the Machine has enough autonomy to choose herself which numbers to give the team though. If she's truly an AI she can use the algorithms however she chooses.

Tied back to the theory about Sandor being the gravedigger Brienne saw? Could be. Would take something like that to get him to pick up a sword again I think.

It goes back to Varys' riddle about who holds power. The answer is whoever the people are willing to follow. The Targaryen name has the legacy of glamour and power behind it. If enough people see it as a better alternative that's all it takes. Especially if Jon and Dany team up with dragons.

Do you mean the little birds? Also, no. They didn't make a link between them and Kevan, though I don't doubt he'll die. I'm guessing Cersei will get Qyburn to do it though seeing as Varys is in Meereen.

I would probably have given this a higher grade if I hadn't been so pissed off at Claire at the end. I'm not usually for killing even the worst people, but in this case it will help an awful lot of people achieve happiness, three of whom we know, and prevent at least one sweet girl from marrying a serial rapist and

So. Much. Stupid.

I can not believe how good this show is at referencing real science. GFP is a very real thing, where the gene for green fluorescence is inserted next to an interesting transgene to allow for easy and non invasive genotyping of lab animals. There is also YFP (yellow) and tdTomato (red), and you have to use different

Interesting idea. And scary.

At this point I Greer is working for Samaritan more than Samaritan is working for Greer though. It seems like an almost religious experience to him, like Samaritan is his God. Greer's goal was to make a more ordered world and Samaritan's seems to be too, but what they mean by that could be radically different and

The overclocking thing was pretty funny and I only have a vague idea what that is. Also using liquid nitrogen like some sort of fire extinguisher and the PS3s immediately cooling down after a short random squirt. But hey, it was fun to watch.

Can't believe PoI is finally back! I wonder how this is going to end. The Machine living out its days on the endless plains of the internet?

Bit busy on The 100 I guess

I had to Google it. I felt bad for forgetting, but then Fringe was an incredibly confusing show.

Oh how I love the fact that Cisco is a Fringe fan. More than me actually, I had forgotten all about that Vacuum thing. But he's right, when Barry in the speedforce machine it it's very much like Peter in the universe destroying machine.

No more recaps? Between this and the end of all io9 recaps (except for super popular shows, bah!), now where am I going to get my 12 Monkeys discussion fix?

It reminded me of the Natural History Museum at Harvard University, and a bit of the Kelvingrove Museum in Glasgow. Kelvingrove has the wood and glass cases scattered around, Harvard has a room that's very similar but not quite as overstuffer and with lighter colours.

Oh goodness yes! That would be great. Sadly not likely though. Christ but Victarion is such an asshole!