Katja Isaksen

Re. Kingsmoot. The fact that they've already established that it will happen and the importance of it makes me think they'll keep the momentum going and conclude that story in one or two episodes. I'm thinking maybe they'll cut in the middle (when Euron brings out his Horn?) and conclude the next episode. Then start

The scene they filmed was in a fairly small room. I wouldn't be too surprised if they keep a room to hark back to Victorian times, as an illustration of the history behind the museum. I've seem similar things in other museums in the UK.

Except that the flashbacks didn't tell us anything we didn't already know or could have been told in dialogue. We knew he taught earth skills, and that he was a good teacher, from his interactions with Clarke. No reason that he and Murphy couldn't have exchanged some sentences to enlighten their feelings about each

You should watch Orphan Black. There have been 3+ very eventful seasons, lots of bad guys, new family members, murder and weird human experiments, and they've just started emphasizing that it's all been in the span or three or four months. Mind. Blown!

Would have been a valid point if it hadn't been for the fact that they kept Clarke in isolation. She's good at leading others, not a breakout artist.

Raven and Monty stayed at Arcadia to see if they could find a way to hack Alie. Harper and Miller volunteered to protect them.

The Leda/Castor projects have been in progress for 30+ years. What's another few months?

Agreed. Bellamy is too far gone to convincingly be a sympathetic character again. He needs to either turn into an actual villain or die.

Bellamy contributing to the deaths of 300 Grounders who were there to protect him is equal to Clarke (and Monty and Bellamy) killing the people of Mount Weather, who were intent on torturing and killing all the Sky People, when backed into a corner with no other way out. Sounds legit.

I think Indra is smart enough to see right through Ontari. She would not accept her as Heda without convincing, especially once she heard about her refusing to recite the former Commanders. She's a good soldier yes, but that means that when she doesn't trust her leader she will disobey a direct order that she thinks

Honestly I bought Pike's storyline more than Bellamy's this episode. We haven't seen what made Pike change so radically and he was obviously someone very emotional and willing to go to extremes even on the Ark. I enjoyed Indra starting with the 300 cuts way too much though. Bellamy's "I'm sorry now, why won't you just

That's true but it feels weird. It's a hell of a lot of character development to happen in just a few days too. People are changed by their experiences sure, but here people have had almost complete turnarounds in just a few days.

It's kind of interesting how they're now very keen on reinforcing that all four seasons have happened in the space of a few months. It's kind of a long stretch really, especially when counting in the fact that Kira is most definitely aging. She still looks very young but at the start she was tiny and now she's school

Are we going back to a "Just tell them you're The Flash already!!!" situation with Wally? I had really hoped Barry would turn up in civvies for that meeting. And the reasons why it's a bad idea not to tell Wally are numerous and have been rehashed so many times with so many other characters that I won't bother to list

I hope they pull it off better than the first time. Tatiana is good but she didn't nail being Tony the first time. She came across more as a transvestite than a transgender man to me.

There's also the little girl clone, Charlotte. I somehow doubt we'll see much of her though.

I just wish she had died properly in battle, defending her position as Commander. Dying at her attendant's hand in a botched assassination attempt on Clarke does not do Lexa justice. Though it did give them that lovely moment to say goodbye.

Pain is important, chronic pain is a bug in the system. An injury in itself kind of. If it was a thing that blocked chronic pain only it would be hailed as the greatest find in medical science since ether. But it seems more like that's a side effect to what it's actually doing. Which is modifying and controlling human

That's good thinking. About Alie I mean. It makes the logic of the tower surviving when everything else is rubble a bit less silly.

Can't believe I only saw the Caprica 6 / Gaius Baltar parallel now. There were even creepy bells in the background when Jaha was talking to Pike with Allie there. She's even wearing a red dress and touting weird religious stuff!