Katja Isaksen

Letting Zoom back into Earth-1 is some really poor decision making. Why didn't they just set up the trap in front of the breach? Why did nobody actually shoot him?

Both. Each piece in a safe in a safe in a rock under the ocean. Far apart from each other.

It's annoying that they kill off Laurel now that she's finally in a good spot, but there's no real room for character development with her. Unless they had taken her down the Lee Adama route. That said, I was sort of hoping it was Diggle Jr in the grave but now that I'm reminded that Barry came to the funeral that

So are we assuming that the flu Harry's mother died of was the Captain Tripps virus? Like everyone is saying, it was grafittied on the wall, and it explains the post-apocalyptic conditions.

Daisy sure is getting very reckless. It'll be interesting to see how that plays out.

I'm not saying she necessarily did it consciously. She is manipulative in a way that's very effective even when she might not even know she's doing it. Also I'd forgotten the team player thing.

Takes advantage of then. Of course Mike chooses to help, and he's smart enough to know what is going on. But she also chooses to accept help from someone she knows shouldn't afford to, and she rewards him by letting him into hers and Kaylee's life which is what he's craving.

Could be true. Either way she's exploiting Mike and his willingness to help. I'm starting to think she might have done the same with his son, and that that might have been what caused him to end up in trouble.

I'm starting to think that maybe Stacey is the reason why Mike's son went crooked and ended up dead, and that she's now repeating her performance with Mike. In Breaking Bad, didn't Mike put money into a fund specifically for Kaylee, not to be touched by her mother or anyone else until she turned 18?

Those were ice cream scoops though. I assume he self-scooped and the vendor is left wondering why there's suddenly less ice cream in the tub.

I cannot speak. I can only squee!

It's a trust issue more that breaking up because of that thing only. If it had been only that and Ollie had always been completely truthful in all things before it would not make sense. But not being told about your life partner's child followed by not being asked for advice or even being included in the conversation

Someone should send James Olsen to have a chat with Barry Allen and the Super-Stars about unlawful imprisonment.

Once they had done PCR and CRISPR-Cas9, stem cells seemed like the logical choice to me. I was vaguely surprised that nobody went "Oh no, we're all GMO now!" or namechecked Monsanto or big pharma though. It was the only thing missing.

Would probably have been a lot less aggravating in the 90s.

I checked out at "vaccines are evil". By the time they got to chemtrails I think part if my soul may have died.

Yeah, I feel like I missed the scene where Scully agrees to go back to the FBI and also I didn't get why she would. Was it supposed to be because she found her own weird DNA? Because if so what was she doing solving monster mysteries? And what did she get from the feds that made it necessary to be an agent rather than

If you're going to throw legit science terms around at least use them accurately! Needing a whole bag of blood in order to do a fucking PCR? Whose actual purpose is to copy very small samples of DNA to detectable amounts? Why not say something about using the wrong primers? This is extremely lazy writing! "He needs

Yeah but, Canada? That's where they film everything else that's supposed to be even vaguely set in the US. Either way they seem to have focused really hard on looks and production values and forgotten that they need to tell a decent story with interesting characters.