Katja Isaksen

I'm sure they could have saved a lot of that money on not going to New Zealand for location shooting. It's pretty, sure, but seems odd for a show that's meant to be set in post-apocalyptic future California.

Please don't bring back Hawkman! Please don't bring back Hawkman! Please don't bring back Hawkman!

Thea is so dead…

Hmm, I don't remember that. I remember The Plan being a confusing mess though. I never re-watched it.

Just finished. I kind of want to start over…

Lance Hunter is a chav! Best moment ever.

That sounds right. Norwegian and Swedish have more in common spoken, Danish and Norwegian have more in common written. There are historical reasons for that. Norway was under Danish rule for several hundred years so the most common form of written Norwegian came from an adapted version of written Danish.

Yes, Norwegian, Swedish and Danish are mutually understood. Danish is usually the hardest to understand for Swedes and Norwegians but only because of pronounciation. Most of the words are basically the same and once you're used to hearing it it's perfectly understandable.

This is how memes, in the old sense of the word, works. We pass ideas to each other all the time, and if they're delivered in the right way at the right time they will take hold and start growing. I love the way they depicted it on this show, and while I don't agree that people are software, I do like how it's used as

Everybody loves a pregnant woman and nobody ever suspects them. Loved the way she lunged for Tyrell's wine glass and then I giggled and thought to myself "Well she is Danish…" I wonder if the writers even know the reputation Danes have in Scandinavia as the more hedonistic of the three brother nations.

I have the hardback first edition of the book and it does indeed have the little raven insignia on it. Not on the front, but on the spine. It's beautiful. I remember having to choose between a black or a white edition and going for the black almost immediately.

Good writeup but I have a quibble! The Gentleman is the King of Lost-hope, he wouldn't want Stephen to replace him. What he wants is to make Stephen (a person he controls) King of England and he thinks the prophecy is confirmation that that will happen.

We know the BBC made it as a miniseries.

The show is perfect. Absolutely perfect. Have been watching for the last few weeks and I want it to go on forever. The only drawback of the novel is how slow it is, but on tv it really isn't. The story is told without hesitation and not a dull moment in sight. It loses some of the sense of time passing, but that's to

Binged this today. It's weirdly addictive even though very little happens for long stretches. Most the confrontations near the end are just incredibly stupid, especially Wolfgang's. Why the hell would a guy who cracks safes act like he's in Scarface? Being a Conan the Barbarian fan doesn't count. There are some

I'm calling it. They brought Ethan in to make him sheriff. Pope was starting to go crazy and they needed a "good man" to replace him. Ethan was deemed the perfect fit for some reason.

I think Evans' wife was telling the truth about the suicide and Beverly was telling the truth that Pope killed him. Evans deliberately broke the rules, triggering his own execution.

Aha! Thanks! The Red Priests thing might still work out though.

Didn't Tyrion get greyscale from the stone men when they attacked the Shy Maid? I seem to remember him mentioning his hand being numb and turning grey. Wonder why they're changing that to Jorah being infected. Maybe there will be a healing somehow. Maybe it's the Red Priests. Maybe that's where Melisandre comes in,

Oh I definitely agree! I quite enjoyed Sam's machinations in the book but they would be boring on screen and the turnaround with Mormont's raven would just look stupid on tv. I'm loving watching the show at the moment actually because I keep getting surprised and that didn't use to happen much before. And though I'll