Katja Isaksen

I was really surprised at how they downplayed Jon being elected as Lord Commander. I was sure they would have more focus on the gridlock and a little more drama. I guess Jon and Dany are going to spend the rest of the season mirroring each other as inexperienced rulers.

My scar is for the BCG (tuberculosis vaccine) but yes, everyone has it. I got mine at around 12 or 13 so I remember it very well.

You're probably right but now it's in my head and I can't unsee it. Eugh! But hey, at least it would be a reason for Felicity to dump Ray and get together with Oliver.

I just has a horrible thought. What if Felicity and Ray are related. Felicity's dad is both out of the picture and has been described as tech savvy. It has a terrible soapy logic to it and I really really hope it's not true.

I don't think they're too bad with female characters. They tend to mess up more than with the men, but they're doing better than average. That said, I'll never forgive them for Felicity kissing Ray after he chose her an expensive outfit for a supposedly professional dinner, and she kissed him for it. Ugh. In my head

I wish Oliver hadn't been right about Thea regretting sending Merlyn to Ra's. When he confronted her she should have stood her ground and said that she knew exactly what she was doing and why the hell did Ollie think he had a right to "save her soul"?

Blair Brown was criminally wasted on this character. I kept hoping she would be revealed as some sort of agent, but alas.

Caitry? Baitlin? Baitlin!!

"you don’t abandon your old identity and join the League of Assassins
because everything else in your life is going great, now do you? (The
League of Assassins is a bit like graduate school in this respect.)"

So are we going for Dottie or Angie as the assassin? I'm leaning towards Dottie myself. She seemed taller than Angie.

Last year they kill Carter and now they kill Shaw? Damn them! At least they handled the romance properly this time.

Netflix suggests American Dad because I watched two episodes of Futurama. But at the same time it thinks I will only give the show two stars… Logic?

Based on DeKnights comments here I think we can all safely assume that Spartacus was a glitch, right? I mean, nobody who compares their superhero show to The Wire makes something that good (and that campy) on purpose.

James Corden?! My head just exploded.

Not knowing what the original Captain Boomerange wore, I thought it was awesome that a character named Harkness wore a long retro-looking coat on a show that has John Barrowman on its cast list.

This was so much better than anything since the pilot it was sort of insane. I was actually disappointed to hear it was originally episode two, because I was hoping we had hit a turning point.

Yay, the community grade is back!! Wasn't a huge fan of this episode. Gave it a generous B.

"Old West mystic who sold him a Winchester that never misses"

I didn't mind the Welsh accent before, but I think it's intensified from the pilot. When he said he's from Liverpool while sounding like a sheep farmer from somewhere with too many L's I groaned. Loudly.

Hmm, Marlo's been demoted.