Katja Isaksen

God I hope they don't become a thing though. Quinn would be great for Carrie, but she would be terrible for him. And I like Quinn more.

Completely agree. Why no one is mentioning postnatal depression is a mystery to me though.

“There’s not even a diagnosis for what’s wrong with you.”

One of the best parts of this episode was that Katrina finally got to show a tiny smidge of agency and hint that there may actually be a character under all that red hair. She was in the credits all last season but I couldn't for the life of me understand why. Hopefully they'll fix that mistake now.

April? April??!??? Why, Starz, why must you torment us so?!

So have we decided that Shelley Godfrey was another "angel"? She was specifically messing with Baltar after all, and if it had been the Cylons I think they would have gone though with getting him sentenced as a traitor. Or was it a Cylon that was somehow "removed"?

Link? That's Marlo Stanfield!

Whisky, not whiskey!

You should come to Norway in summer. I'm from pretty far south and east, but in June the sun barely sets at all. It just dips beneath the horizon and you can sort of follow it by the twilight until it comes back three or four hours later. It's beautiful. And I live far far south of where they get real midnight sun.

Not just American. Norwegian education sadly didn't have time to go into this either. I think Bonnie Prince Charlie was mentioned, but only in passing and possibly in high school English. We did a lot of UK and US cultural context at that point.

I think it's perfectly plausible to respect Dougal for his politics while still hating him as a person. He is a terrible terrible person, and it's what makes him so interesting. While I'm writing this I'm realizing that he reminds me quite a bit of Colonel Tigh from BSG. He's what Saul could have been if he'd had more

Getting so nostalgic about this show. 33 is a fantastic episode. Most shows never have an episode that good. BSG started with one.

Skip The Plan, it's pointless. But make sure you get hold of all the extended episodes and the webisodes too.

Crush? Helo obviously. I'd so marry Helo if only because he has intense eyes. And he's tall. And when he comits, he really comits.

I diagree. I would love to see Black Widow's origin story. She's a badass character with a lot of hinted at history. Whether she has "super" powers or not isn't that relevant to whether the movie would be successful.

I'll buy Scarlett Johansson availability issues actually.
I will be reading Ms Marvel and Captain Marvel soon as I've heard so many good things about them. Sounds like they'd be a great fit for the movie universe. Looking at Mr Feige here!

They're making Ant-Man before Black Widow, a previously established character in the guise of one of the biggest superstars in Hollywood. Yeah, that argument about too many franchises makes no sense at all.

*dies a little inside*
I mean, nothing wrong with a little BDSM, but the fact that this character is supposed to be some sort of role model for grown women is just insane. She looks like a grown up version of Bella Swan. How is this different from an average bodice ripper trash novel? Again, nothing wrong with that as

Tatiana Maslany is gonna get more fan made awards I guess. It's an actual outrage. The woman plays eight completely different characters on the same show. Realistically! With lots of emotion and believability!

Yeah, me too. I haven't been able to find any good recaps except at io9. The discussion there is always really good, but it would be good to have more than one view point.