Katja Isaksen

So does this mean we'll get AV Club recaps every week next year? Charlie Jane is doing a great job at io9, but I always like having more than one viewpoint, especially on a show as complex as this one.

I'll watch anything with Christopher Eccleston. I have ever since I saw The Second Coming as student. This seems right up his alley.

Yeah that makes sense. Olenna was planning to off Joffrey from the start, questioning Sansa was just about making sure about his temper.

So who wants to see a show devoted to the exploits of the Red Viper and his paramour? It would be like Lost Girl but with even more sex!

Spoilers ahoy!

What, are you really not mentioning that the Pentagon has shut down their Machine program so that Root will get all the relevant numbers, or the Gen. Alexander impression the Senator did, or the hilariously weird tension when Reese and Shaw discuss sleeping arrangements, or the fact that Collier is pretty much Ed

Just watched episode 2. Things are going seriously insane and I'm loving the hell out of it.

Did Alan just pay 70 euros for a coffee?

Maybe you missed the episode two weeks ago or so? They had quite a few scenes.

Not sure exactly why Daryl is hanging out with Joe and his guys. I do know he couldn't have followed Beth down the road though. Joe's gang found him collapsed at a junction, remember?

Pretty sure they were the only two people sick at the point of the murder. Then more people got sick pretty much immediately after.

I liked it because it showed how a situation like this could really break a child's mind. She probably wasn't quite right from the beginning, but I doubt she would have killed her sister in a normal situation.

I don't get this hang-up over taboos being broken. This is a show that is trying to depict how normal people would behave under the most extreme circumstances imaginable. Of course taboos are going to be broken. Of course some people will do horrible things. Of course that will sometimes involve children. None of this

I'm sad to see Claire Holt go, but I trust Julie Plec to be able to tell an entertaining story without her.

What, really? I was expecting her to turn up in Mystic Falls to bang Matt, then maybe go off the map for a while before coming back to face some epic crisis. Well, I guess she can do movies and still come back for Matt and/or epic crises.

He'd be a fantastic Jon Connington. The guy who plays Vane could be a great Victarion, but he's way too young.

I missed that. Where?

I'm glad they didn't kill Rollo. That torso needs to stay alive…

Why? Why do they do this to us?!

I figured the "china" was code for the slaves and possibly also the gunpowder. Though why they'd use code except as a device to keep the audience in the dark I don't know.