
Yeah, fuck Blizzard right in the ear with a beer.

Wildlands is a very good game. Especially co-op. Don’t give a shit about Boyfriend Dungeon *shrug*.

Even if you hate Wildlands, it’s nowhere near Ubisoft’s “worst”. They did a lot worse than this one. It is also not a “trade”, so it is strange to describe it as one.

Whoa, buddy. Did you confuse Wildlands for Breakpoint? 

I think what he meant is that most players don’t really care about the political undertones (or overtones) in games. The fact that Wildlands takes place specifically in Bolivia is irrelevant to most players. You could replace Bolivia with [imaginary country inspired by any south american country] and nobody would bat

I assume from the headline that the article’s author was thinking of GR: Breakpoint, not Wildlands, which is an honest mistake given how similar both games are. However, while Wildlands isn’t great, it’s not nearly as bad as Breakpoint was when it first launched.

I have no skin in the game, but I do know that Ari is the king of inflammatory articles that are sure to generate comments.  I'm not surprised that he will put certain takes in the headlines that will keep users coming back.

I honestly skipped every cinematic and have no idea what the story is, but I sure loved tactically crawling around with 2 of my buddies delivering deadpan exclamations of ‘shitballs’ every time one of us got bored or lazy enough to start an open firefight. On top of that, waiting around until all 3 of us had our own

Yeah, and if you just pretend the story in Wildlands is a satire ala Team America, where the americans are gonna liberate the smelly brown country with some good ol’ freedom, it works quite well. I mean it’s honestly pretty hard not to read it that way already: it’s so up the ass of the american exceptionalism concept

I would have sworn you were referring to breakpoint. Wildlands is actually better than most far cry games and it's competitive multiplayer was a blast. Ubisoft is like the only AAA developer that ever puts stealth as a mechanic in their multiplayer.

Wildlands is the fun open world ghost recon, with hilarious mercenary banter, incredible variable, detailed and pretty world, and cool combat. Maybe you are thinking Breakpoint, that seems made by a committee to be has standard and boring has possible and seems created by a algorithm and not humans.

I’d rather play Wildlands, thank you very much. I’m not going to of course, I won’t waste the memory on my SSD, but one against the other I’d rather play the coop shooter. 

Well... you have successfully fired those shots. I have not skin in the game with regards to Boyfriend Dungeon, and I don’t generally care about Ghost Recon, but it say it is one of Ubi’s worst is just inflammatory on top of being super wrong.

Slow news days, huh? 

Guess it depends on the games you like playing I guess. I personally would rather play Wildlands over Boyfriend Dungeon, it’s all in what kind of games you like. That said, I play games more to have fun than to delve into possible moral and political statements they may or may not be making, especially when at times

Ghost recon wildlands is a better game than boyfriend dungeon.

Mobile version? Free to play? Multiplayer?
Whelp, thankfully we have Session and Skater XL.

It being an EA game already made it a hard sell for me but this just zapped all the anticipation I had left for it

Now playing

But the microtransactions aren’t pay-to-win

Nice to know that NFTs are so repellent, even sponsors of a video game consortium stand with those speaking out against them. Normally, you could wave some money in their faces, tell them to jump, and then hear them ask “How high?”