
Mortal Dictata responded to this and then dismissed my responses when he didn’t like them, so I’ll recap what I think are the key points of my argument for anyone else.

No, he didn’t. You clearly did not watch the trial. She threw a bottle at him and it shattered, severing his finger.

US Courts don’t deal in UK justice.  Jurisdiction is a bitch.

The McDonalds court case is literally a textbook example (I studied it in university) of the importance and correctness of liability lawsuits. You are an EMBARRASSMENT to be bringing it up as if it was an example of foolish or unjustified lawsuits.

Every single one of Depp’s exes have come out in support of him except for Ellen Barkin, whose only testimony of violence was him throwing a wine bottle at her (and missing). This very trial had Kate Moss come out and say Heard was lying about a stair incident involving her.

Amber Heard had a decent prima facie case of circumstantial evidence supporting her claim that Johnny Depp assaulted her — although some of the evidence was undermined on cross-examination. But Johnny Depp had four hours of Amber Heard bragging about assaulting him, saying she was fighting for her relationship when

Jimmy, I sympathize with what you went through. That’s because I went through it too. The thing is my experience is different.

Stop gaslighting your readers. Amber isn’t merely imperfect. She’s an abuser. She chopped off her husbands finger and abused him for years. Then lied about. The hate is 100% justified.

I have no question that Johnny Depp most certainly engaged in domestic violence, the issue here is that Amber was often the aggressor, too.”

I still genuinely don’t understand the whole “Johnny obviously beat her, too” conclusion. Literally everyone he ever dated came out after the initial accusation to refute that (unlike any other accusation ever), so either he beat them and tortured them so bad they were still so scared of him that they thought they

I would have hoped that this furthered the MeToo movement, since it basically showed either women can be abusers, too/men can be abused, too (which I thought Terry Crews’ account would have proved, but no one seems to mention that anymore...), or it showed that not every case is as black and white as we want it to be.

LegalEagle talked about that case in a video. The punitive damages were based in part on McDonalds' customers regularly getting burned and the company doing nothing about it for a long time.

If you’re still pointing at the McDonalds trial as a case of a bad judgment, it just shows that you never actually looked into the facts of that case.

My dad used to abuse my mom, I grew up with the physical, mental, and psychological abuse in my household. And hearing Amber in those audio recordings has only made it clear in my mind that she was the aggressor and abuser. For that reason, I understand the hate towards her. But the point that needs to be made clear

You do realize she was genuinely burned, right? Like, the coffee was so hot it actually, genuinely scarred her skin. Look beyond the meme and you'll find that lawsuit was legit.

Here’s the problem:
The one who vilified Amber Heard is Amber Heard.

I don’t know about you, but I watched the trial; her facial expression, tone, diction, choice of words. The evasive behavior really stood out. She came off as a liar, again and again. Not just me, but across the board save for one or two writers at

They clearly did not. She was caught lying and faking evidence but people just don’t want to hear it.

>saying it “proves” she’s lying

No... The evidence proved she was lying. It was clearly not “a single mistake” either, as was highlighted in the trial, which you admit you stayed away from. There were multiple, MULTIPLE examples. Also, she shit the bed. Literally and figuratively. Blargh.

You can be both against Amber


It was a jury trial. None of us were there. The jury saw everything. They were able to look away and judge reactions to statements and anything else that caught their eye. Anything we did see was through a carefully filtered tv lens. That cuts both ways. I don’t believe the justice system is perfect but in the end you