These are PC only.
These are PC only.
As far as I know, I’ve never seen a free Prime game for any console, besides mobile. It’s always been PC. So I’m 99% sure these are all for PC.
They can go fuck themselves... At this point I’m hoping that Microsoft will clean house in the higher up, dissolve Activition/Blizzard completely and just absorb the developers into the various Microsoft team/studios.
This is so disgusting, I don’t want to touch any of their product anymore.
Just say “I’m an incel and I want everyone to know it”. It’s quicker than making a petition about a video game that doesn’t exist yet.
The people mad about this are the same ones who claim Xbox has no exclusives. As soon as they have an exclusive those people could possibly be interested in, they lose their shit.
No one’s holding a gun to your head saying you “have to” play this game and “have to” buy a new console. If you think you “have to” then you got issues to work out. Maybe pause on your video gaming hobby because it’s obvious you can’t manage your money maturely.
So don’t play it? Seems easy enough, there are hundreds of games I haven’t played.
Nah those same people were hooting and hollering at the big W Sony had over MS when Death Stranding was a PS console exclusive. They kinda deserve the bed they’re lying in.
That said I don’t think 3rd party exclusives are some kind of positive force in the game’s industry. It’s just funy to have a laugh at people who…
That seems like an odd concern for a few reasons:
bummed enough to sign a petition? yes, I’ll call that deranged
Man, these guys really need to go outside and touch some grass
This dude thought we were gonna agree.
And us PC users will get the games either way sooner or later.
So buy the other box or don’t play the game. It’s been this way for decades. Someday exclusives might not be a thing. Today isn’t that day. Where was this same energy when Death Stranding was still PS exclusive?
Some people need a reminder that game developers are companies, not your friends. They exist to wring money out of you and if they can get even more by forcing you to buy new hardware, all the better.
Bummed out is getting ice cream after dinner because you got a parking ticket. Starting a petition to cancel a project that has nothing to do with you is deranged.
Man elements in fandom are just pathetic. When people say this fandom is toxic or that fandom is toxic they miss the point. All fandom is toxic, these sad people with their sad parasocial relationship where they’ve invested so much of their identity into the product a person who doesn’t know then and doesn’t care…